[afro-nets] Alleviating the Burden of Responsibility: Men as Providers of Community-Based HIV/AIDS Care and Support in Lesotho

Alleviating the Burden of Responsibility: Report on a Study of Men as Providers of Community-Based HIV/AIDS Care and Support in Lesotho

The Capacity Project is announces the publication of:

Alleviating the Burden of Responsibility: Report on a Study of Men as Providers of Community-Based HIV/AIDS Care and Support in Lesotho.

This study demonstrates a range of perspectives about gender and HIV/AIDS care from those participating in and potentially affected by health care initiatives, and makes recommendations for increasing the number of male community-based providers of HIV/AIDS care.

To read more about, please view the complete version here
<http://www.capacityproject.org/images/stories/files/study_of_men_as_providers_of_care_lesotho.pdf&gt; .

Jennifer Solomon
Communications Specialist
The Capacity Project
IntraHealth International
6340 Quadrangle Drive, Suite 200
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27517