Award Ensures Long-Term Health Impact in Zambia
A $25 million award recently granted to Population Services In-
ternational's (PSI) Zambian affiliate, Society for Family Health
(SFH), by the U.S. Agency for International Development will en-
sure affordable health products and services to low-income Zam-
bians for the next six years. SFH's social marketing portfolio
includes campaigns, products and services in all five of PSI's
health areas: HIV/AIDS, malaria, safe water, nutrition and fam-
ily planning. Zambia's successes include the HEART campaign, re-
sponsible for increased use of abstinence among youth; an in-
creased use of oral contraceptives (which contributed to Zam-
bia's declining fertility rate); the world's largest safe water
program using a CDC-developed dilute chlorine solution; and Zam-
bia's first branded stand-alone voluntary counseling and testing
For more information, visit
Karrie Carnes
Tata Institute of Social Sciences Placements 2005
Dear All,
Greetings from the Social Work Placement Cell of the Tata Insti-
tute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai.
Tata Institute of Social Sciences is a premier institute of So-
cial work education in South East Asia and its Social Work
Placement Cell is actively involved in placing its students in
response to the growing needs of the welfare and development
Every year the Social Work Placement Cell invites organizations
to recruit students for final placements in the country and even
We invite you to consider this opportunity and get back in touch
with us to be part of this process.
The process is expected to begin in the first week of January
next year.
We look forward to hearing from you at the earliest.
With kind regards,
Munmi Gogoi
Social Work Placement Cell
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
Job Placement Cell
M.A. in Social Work,
Sion-Trombay Road,
Deonar, Mumbai - 400088
Dr. Swapan Garain
Faculty Member and Convenor
Phone: +91-22-25563289-95 Extn. 274