[afro-nets] Blogging Positively" Chat Reminder: February 27 and March 6

Dear Friends,

This note is a reminder of the next Blogging Positively chat, intended as an ongoing discussion about blogging to address HIV/AIDS.

The first is scheduled for February 27th at the following times: 9 a.m. New York, 2 p.m. London, 5 p.m. Nairobi. This chat will build on the insights shared during the highly successful World AIDS Day chat, held on December 3, 2008.

The second chat, which will include reps from Rising Voices and Global Voices, will be on March 6, at the same place and time.

The chat will be held at www.worknets.org/chat. There may be several chatrooms available for different languages. Login using your name and elect the room you want to join by clicking "enter." Once in the room, select a font color on the left side of the screen, then join the chat.

Languages: so far, the chats have been in English. We would like to include other languages, and we would love some volunteers for that. If interested, please contact moderators Serina Kalande (serina.kalande@gmail.com), Daudi Were (daudi.were@gmail.com), and/or Janet Feldman (kaippg@earthlink.net).

Map and Guide: We have now run across at least 200 HIV+ bloggers, and/or bloggers who write about HIV/AIDS issues, from around the world. We hope the Blogging Positively Guide and interactive map will encourage and empower even more people to communicate, to share, to feel inspired, to teach and to learn.

Hopefully you will be able to join us for the chats, and also for the development of the Guide and map! We will be discussing more questions and issues related to the project at the RV Positively forum. Please subscribe by sending a blank email to rv-positively-subscribe@googlegroups.com.

Thanks so much, and we look forward to your participation! All best wishes,

Janet Feldman