9th Bethune Round Table on International Surgery
Toronto, Ontario
May 22-23, 2009 - Meeting
May 24 - Workshop
May 25-27 - Possible optional CNIS courses
Theme: Clinical Care in context
Abstract Deadline: January 31, 2009
Scholarships offered: February 2009
The Office of International Surgery, University of Toronto, is pleased to announce the 9th Annual Bethune Round Table on International Surgery. The meeting will be of interest to surgeons from all countries who are interested in surgery for human development, particularly in cooperation between low income and high income countries to address the global burden of surgical disease. Trainees, residents, injury control researchers, experts in development and in medical education, and members of governmental and nongovernmental organizations focused on health care will also find the meeting informative and stimulating
This call is for abstracts for the podium presentations. Presentations are 15 minutes long. Projects with rigorous assessment of outcomes are preferred. Projects with international collaboration or cooperation are preferred but not essential.
The Abstracts should follow the following format:
Please send abstracts by midnight January 31st, 2009 to
Scholorships are available for surgeons or trainees working in low and middle income countries whose abstracts are selected. All abstracts will be automatically considered. Scholarships include travel to Toronto, accommodation and meeting registration.
For registration information, please visit our website at:
Ptolemy Project