Call for papers: AIDS and Behavior
Special Supplement on HIV, HAART, and Fertility in sub-Saharan Africa
Submission Deadline: September 15th, 2008
Guest Editors:
Dr. David Bangsberg Harvard Medical School/MGH
Prof. Glenda Gray Perinatal HIV Research Unit, University of the Witwatersrand
Dr. Robert Hogg BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS; Simon Fraser University
Ms. Angela Kaida BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS; the University of British Columbia (UBC)
Ms. Rachel King Global AIDS Program, CDC-Uganda; Karolinska Institute
Dr. Cari Miller Simon Fraser University
Topic overview:
Approximately 15 million women of child-bearing age are living with HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa; at least 2.5 million of whom give birth each year. Recent global efforts to expand access to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in the region are yielding dramatic improvements in survival and quality of life for HIV-infected individuals. Given the on-going struggle to ensure universal access to HAART, comparatively little attention has thus far been paid to how widespread use of HAART may affect sexual and reproductive practices, reproductive decision-making and fertility of people living in HIV endemic regions.
AIDS and Behavior will publish a special supplement issue of the journal on research focused on investigating the role of HAART and HIV on reproductive and sexual behaviors, reproductive decision-making, the incidence of pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, and fertility among HIV-positive individuals in sub-Saharan Africa. The goal of the special supplement is to bring together a variety of research findings which explore epidemiological relationships and the social and structural factors inherent to investigating the influence of HAART on reproduction, within a framework that recognizes the sexual and reproductive health rights of people living with HIV/AIDS. It is anticipated that the papers will be based, in part, on findings presented at a research forum held in Johannesburg, South Africa on April 21-23rd, 2008 entitled: Switching gears in HIV research: Building an international agenda on the impact of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) on fertility in sub-Saharan Africa.
We are seeking papers that address: (1) Theoretical and conceptual frameworks for understanding the potential impact of HAART on fertility in sub-Saharan Africa; (2) original qualitative research related to the social and structural factors that influence the relationship between HAART and fertility; and (3) original quantitative research that describes the frequency and distribution of fertility variables among HAART and non-HAART users and/or analyzes the relationship between HAART use and reproductive and sexual behaviors, reproductive decisions, fertility, and fertility outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa. Systematic literature reviews and policy-oriented papers are also welcome.
Please note that the term fertility is being used in the demographic sense, as in the actual level of reproduction based on the number of live births that occur, rather than the biologic capability to reproduce (which is termed fecundity).
Timeline and Requirements:
* The deadline for submission of completed manuscripts is Monday, September 15th, 2008.
* Submissions will undergo standard peer review processes.
* Manuscripts should be formatted in accordance with journal requirements as described here:
* Manuscripts should designate 'Reproductive Behavior Supplement' as the type of submission.
* For questions about the special supplement issue, please contact
Ms. Angela Kaida
Guest Editor
Telephone + 1 (778) 855-6420.