Electronic news from Mozambique
Dear Colleagues,
The WHO Documentation Center in Mozambique compiles electronic
news daily, selected from more than 100 pressrooms and sites.
The information comes in 4 languages (EN, FR, SP, PT) and covers
public health topics like the new WHO publications, news, non
WHO documents, etc. You can view a sample of the daily E-mail
below. All the info has a free access in lower-income countries.
Should you wish to receive the daily Enews compilation, please
let us know and your E-mail address will be added to the list.
Best regards,
Madeleine Anne Decker
Documentation Officer
WHO Mozambique
[Long URLs might need repair]
* Needs a one-time free registration
** Needs a paid subscription to the Journal
or to HINARI for a free access, if the conditions apply
- Health facility survey: tool to evaluate the quality of care
delivered to sick children attending outpatient facilities
- InfoPolio. Mars 2004
- Fourth annual meeting of the Stop TB Working Group on DOTS-
Plus for MDR-TB. Paris, France, 27-28 October 2003
- Measuring access to reproductive health services: summary re-
port of a WHO/UNFPA technical consultation 2-3 December 2003
- Policy recommendations for smoking cessation and treatment of
tobacco dependence: tools for public health
- Guidelines for essential trauma care
- The selection and use of essential medicines: report of the
WHO Expert Committee, 2003: (including the 13th model list of
essential medicines)
Malaria. Plague of my people
By Pascoal Mocumbi, former prime minister of Mozambique
In my country, Mozambique, the entire population is at risk of
malaria. One in every four children dies before the age of five
and, as in much of Africa, malaria is the biggest cause. The
poorest populations are most at risk and the disease often
strikes children, women who lose their acquired immunity to ma-
laria during pregnancy, and people who lack any immunity to the
disease, such as displaced persons and migrants.
Brasil reafirma compromisso com Moçambique no combate à SIDA
O governo brasileiro reafirmou o compromisso de ajudar a con-
struir, em Moçambique, uma fábrica de medicamentos contra a
SIDA. A nota ressalta alguns passos que devem ser cumpridos para
a realização do projecto, como o estudo de viabilidade económica
e custo/benefício e a avaliação de sustentabilidade da inicia-
tiva. A realização do projecto passa ainda pela identificação de
fontes de financiamento da fábrica industrial e da sua manuten-
ção a curto, médio e longo prazos. O Brasil mantém o seu compro-
misso de apoiar e cooperar com o governo de Moçambique no forta-
lecimento da capacidade instalada, na formação de pessoal
técnico, intercâmbio de experiências e de colaborar na busca de
alternativas para a inclusão de novos profissionais na rede
Aprovada candidatura de angolano para direcção da OMS
O angolano Luis Gomes Sambo foi, por unanimidade, designado
candidato da Comunidade de Desenvolvimento da África Austral ao
cargo de director regional para o continente da Organização Mun-
dial da Saúde (OMS).
Perfil de Luís Gomes Sambo - Candidato da SADC a director Re-
gional da OMS
Eis o perfil do angolano Luís Gomes Sambo, o candidato da SADC
ao cargo de director da Organização Mundial da Saúde para
África, por unanimidade, pelos chefes de Estado e de Governos na
cimeira da Comunidade de Desenvolvimento da África Austral, que
decorre nas Ilhas Maurícias.
Burns in the developing world and burn disasters
Developing countries have a high incidence of burn injuries,
creating a formidable public health problem. High population
density, illiteracy, and poverty are the main demographic fac-
tors associated with a high risk of burn injury. The high inci-
dence makes burns an endemic health hazard. Social, economic,
and cultural factors interact to complicate the management, re-
porting, and prevention of burns.
* http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/329/7463/447?etoc
Education in Africa: The Brain Drain
A look at the issue of Africans studying away from their home-
land and their reasons for not returning. We'll discuss where
brain drain occurs most often and what countries are doing to
attract Africans to return home. We'll also talk about the eco-
nomic and social impact of loosing Africans to other countries.
Doing the sums on Africa
Even a relatively small increase in aid financing to Africa
could save billions in future aid. The paper argues that this
increase will be fundamental to achieving the millennium devel-
opment goals, and stemming the potential for the continent to
foster terrorism. In order to reach these targets, and use in-
creased flows more effectively, a strong multilateral approach
is required. Sachs argues that America is currently the biggest
missing element for greater multilateral assistance.