Evaluating Postgraduate Theses, Dissertations and Research Reports
1-3 September 2004
University of the Witwatersrand
Johannesburg, South Africa
Deadline for application: 3 August, 2004
Of particular interest to supervisors of postgraduate studies
and examiners responsible for evaluating theses, dissertations
and research reports - new, inexperienced, and seasoned academ-
ics are welcome to apply.
Professor Chris Kapp of Stellenbosch in collaboration with Pro-
fessor Stephen Chandiwana, Head Graduate Studies, Faculty of
Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand are delighted
to offer you a 3-day training course on Evaluating Postgraduate
Theses, Dissertations and Research Reports. (The content of the
final programme will be determined by the needs of participants ).
A selection of the following modules can be included in the fi-
nal programme:
* Perspectives on evaluating theses, dissertations and research
* Problems in evaluating postgraduate theses and dissertations
* The role of evaluation at different stages of the supervisory
* A review of the literature on evaluating theses and disserta-
* A panel discussion by experienced examiners of �good practice�
in the evaluation of theses and dissertations
* Benchmarking and �standardising� the evaluation of theses,
dissertations and research reports
* Conducting an oral examination/defence/viva
* Writing an examiner�s report (an analysis of case studies)
* Improving the practice of evaluating postgraduate theses, dis-
sertations and research reports
* A meta-evaluation
FEE: ZAR 1,500.00 per person.
The training and preparation of future generations of academics
and scholars (�researchers�) are of vital importance. These �fu-
ture generations� are cultivated through a process of postgradu-
ate study which culminates in the writing of a thesis or disser-
tation. Years of hard work and huge sacrifices in terms of en-
ergy, time and resources are made by students and supervisors.
It is therefore essential that the final evaluation of a suc-
cessful thesis or dissertation is done in such a way that all
stakeholders can be proud of what has been done.
30 places are available for academic staff. They will be allo-
cated on a first-come-first-served basis. The course is being
advertised far and wide, so hurry and get your registration
forms in NOW!
Apply directly, preferably by fax or e-mail, with a short de-
scription (1 page) of your current professional qualifications
and motivation to participate, to:
Mrs Alison Mclean
University of the Witwatersrand
7 York Road, Parktown
2193 Johannesburg
Tel: +27-11-717-2075
Fax: +27-11-717-2119
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Graduate School
Faculty of Health Sciences
Application Form
Please fill this form and return it before the closing date.
I would like to apply to attend the training course on Supervis-
ing and Evaluating Postgraduate Theses, Dissertations and Re-
search Reports:
1-3 September 2004 (By 3 August 2004)
Mailing Address:
Cell phone:
I am currently supervising postgraduate students. (Details in
Yes No