Fake conference invitations
Dear colleagues,
As mentioned recently on AFRO-NETS tricksters are now making use
of conferences in order to get victims to pay money to them. Of-
fenders will circulate a letter announcing an International Con-
ference. Interested parties are then requested to contact one or
two hotels mentioned in the letter in order to book accommoda-
tion. It has been discovered that the person sending the origi-
nal letter is the same person receiving hotel bookings. Victims
are requested to pay hotel booking fees ranging between US$
1,500 and US$ 3,000. Upon paying these fees the offenders will
disappear with the money. There will be no conference and the
real hotels will not know about the bookings.
For more information about this scam see:
Here is an example sent to AFRO-NETS today:
Dear friends of African Networks for Health Research & Develop-
My name is Suzana Underwood, female, working with (WORLD YOUTH
nizing a global youths combined conferences taking place from
the December 20th - 22nd of 2004 at California in the United
States and in Guinea-Bissau, on December 27th - 29th of 2004.
In our request to invite people from various countries around
the world, I went in search of e-mails on the web site as a
means of contacting youths and organizations .As a result, I
picked your e-mail from an N.G.O's website. If you are inter-
ested to participate and want to represent your country, you may
contact the secretariat of the organizing committee for details
and information. You should also inform them that you were in-
vited to participate by a friend of yours (Suzana Underwood),
who is a member of the American Youths 4 Peace and a staff of
I believe that we may have the opportunity to meet if you may be
willing to participate in this event. You can also relate these
conferences, to any existing youths & NGOs in your country. The
benevolent donors of the Organizing Committee shall provide a
round trip ticket and accommodation for the period of partici-
pants� stay in the U.S., to all registered participants. Holders
of passports that may require visas to enter the United States
must inform the conference secretariat at the time of registra-
tion, as the organizing committee is responsible for all visa
arrangements and travel assistances. Below is the contact ad-
dress of the conference secretariat:
By Tel/Fax: +1-209-644-7596 or by e-mail:
Suzana Underwood