AFRO-NETS> Female Genital Mutilation (2)

Female Genital Mutilation (2)

The following article was published by UNICEF in their report
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2 million girls a year mutilated

Every year several million women approach childbirth knowing that the
risk will be greater because some or all of their genitalia has been
cut away by the traditional practice of female genital mutilation

Approximately 2 million girls are mutilated every year. Egypt,
Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia, and the Sudan account for 75% of
all cases. In Djibouti and Somalia, 98% of girls are mutilated.

Apart from the immediate fear and pain, the consequences can include
prolonged bleeding, infection, infertility, and death. For those who
suffer infibulation - the severest form of FGM in which all external
sexual organs are cut away - the trauma of recutting is repeated with
each new birth to allow passage of the baby. Both moderate and severe
forms increase the risks of childbirth.

Mutilation is not required by any religion. It is a tradition
designed to preserve virginity, ensure marriageability, and contain

As the table shows, several African governments have begun to move
against the practice. So far, only Ghana has translated policy into
law. The Government of Burkina Faso, which has actively campaigned
against FGM since 1990 through its National Anti-Excision Committee,
has escalated its work in the past three years as the result of
increased national support: law cases involving deaths caused by FGM
have been brought to court under existing criminal laws.

Usually inflicted on girls aged 4 to 12, FGM is one of the worst
violations of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The 1990s have seen growing pressures against the practice from
women's groups, human rights organizations, child welfare groups, and
professional organizations.

Action has also been taken in some industrialized countries with
significant numbers of African refugees or immigrant groups. In 1994,
Australia and Norway joined Sweden and the United Kingdom in passing
laws against FGM. As of December 1995, bills to make FGM a criminal
offence were before the US Congress and the Canadian Parliament.

Africa: the FGM record

Estimates of the numbers and percentages of women who suffer female
genital mutilation

  Estimated Estimated Government FGM prohibited under
  % of women number has published
      of women policy Specific Medical
      (millions) opposing FGM law code of
      1994 FGM practice

--Nigeria 60 32.8 Yes No No
Egypt 80 24.2 Yes No Yes
Ethiopia 90 23.9 Yes No No
Sudan (north.) 89 9.7 Yes * No
Kenya 50 6.8 Yes No No
Somalia 98 4.5 Yes** No No
Mali 80 4.3 Yes No No
Cote d'Ivoire 60 4.1 No No No
Burkina Faso 70 3.5 Yes No No
Ghana 30 2.6 Yes Yes ***
Sierra Leone 90 2.0 Yes No No
Chad 60 1.9 Yes No No
Eritrea 90**** 1.6 Yes No No
Guinea 50 1.6 Yes No No
Tanzania 10 1.5 No No No
Benin 50 1.3 Yes No No
Cameroon 20 1.3 Yes No No
Zaire 5 1.1 No No No
Togo 50 1.0 Yes No No
Liberia 60 0.9 Yes No No
Niger 20 0.9 No No No
Republic 50 0.8 Yes No No
Senegal 20 0.8 Yes No No
Gambia 89 0.5 Yes No No
Uganda 5 0.5 No No No
Djibouti 98 0.3 Yes No No
Guinea-Bissau 50 0.3 No No No
Mauritania 25 0.3 No No No

* FGM is not practised in the three southern regions. The Sudan's 1946
law prohibited infibulation only (the severest form of FGM): the 1993
penal code does not mention FGM, leaving its current legal status

** Past government policy opposed FGM, but the policy of current
ruling groups is unknown.

*** FGM is not covered by a medical code, but this may be unnecessary
since the practice is illegal.

**** This estimate predates Eritrea's independence and assumes that
FGM prevalence is equivalent to Ethiopia's.

SOURCES: Nahid Toubia, January 1996 update from her study, Female
Genital Mutilation: A Call for Global Action, Women, Ink., New York,
revised edition, 1995. Population: United Nations Population
Division, World Population Prospects: The 1994 Revision, 1994.

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