[afro-nets] Foreign Aid and Less Developed Countries

Foreign 'Aid' and Less Developed Countries: Uncommon

In "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" John Perkins, author and
self-proclaimed "Economic Hit Man" offers a courageous, candid
and uncommon perspective about "international intrigue at the
highest levels" in respect of foreign aids/loans by developed
countries (DCs) to less developed countries (LDCs).

The core goal of the "economic hit men" process "is to bring
strategically important LDCs under the control of DC govern-
ments, World Bank and other DC-dominated 'aid' agencies". In so
doing, DCs make money off LDCs and "dictate loan repayment
terms" that promote the imperial "manifest destiny" of DCs while
perpetuating under-development in health, education, housing and
socio-economic systems in LDCs.

An uncommon perspective indeed!

To read an editorial on this process, visit:

[Note: If the link fails to work directly, it may be broken. In
that event, copy, repair and paste the ENTIRE URL into your
browser addres line and click on 'Go' or press 'ENTER'. That
should work!]

A. Odutola