[afro-nets] Global Review on Access to Health Information: Call for papers


Invitation to AFRO-NETS members to contribute to INASP Newslet-
ter, November 2004

The Global Review on Access to Health Information in Developing
Countries is a collaborative initiative by a wide range of
health organizations who are working together to identify pro-
gress, lessons learned and ways forward in access to locally
relevant, evidence-based materials for healthcare providers in
developing and transitional countries:
see http://www.inasp.info/health/globalreview

The INASP Newsletter is a 12-page periodical that is widely dis-
tributed in print and online throughout the international devel-
opment community:
see http://www.inasp.info/newslet/index.html

We are looking for short pieces (less than 700 words). A list of
suggested topics is given below. For each topic, we are espe-
cially keen to hear your views on:
* what progress has been made over the last 10 years?
* what lessons have been learned?
* what needs to be done next?
You may also like to include key questions that you think need
to be addressed in the Review. Please feel free to include pic-
tures to illustrate your article.

Suggested topics

* Identifying the information needs of healthcare providers in
   developing countries
* Relevant research to meet information needs
* Making relevant research available: publishing primary re-
   search; indexing primary research
* Synthesizing research: The role of systematic reviews for
   healthcare in developing countries
* Producing generic or 'international' evidence-based materials
* Producing locally relevant materials: building on local knowl-
* Making relevant materials more accessible

* Information and communication technologies
* Information skills development
* Cooperation among providers and users of health information
* Political and financial commitment
* The concept of 'essential information'

* Africa
* Eastern Mediterranean
* Latin America and Caribbean
* South East Asia
* Western Pacific
* Newly Independent States

* Access to healthcare information on reproductive health
* Access to healthcare information on HIV/AIDS
* Access to healthcare information on rational use of drugs

For further information, and to discuss possibilities for an ar-
ticle, please contact
Neil Pakenham-Walsh

Contributions must be received by 15 September 2004.

Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh
Facilitator, Global Review on Access to Health Information in
Developing Countries
Senior Programme Manager, INASP-Health
International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publi-
Suite B, 58 St Aldates, Oxford OX1 1ST
Tel: +44-1865-248-124
Fax: +44-1865-251-060