Just to draw your attention to:
HIV/AIDS: What about very young children?
A short Exchange Findings paper based on research carried out
for the Bernard van Leer Foundation to identify current re-
sponses to meet the needs of children age 0-8 living in HIV/AIDS
affected communities. The overall results show that at local,
national and international levels there are gaps in programming
and policy to engage ideas and mobilise resources to address the
needs and experiences of very young children both infected and
affected by HIV/AIDS.
The question is then raised: What can we actually do to include
very young children in programming and policy responses in
HIV/AIDS affected communities? Conclusions are drawn indicating
that services are required urgently to support very young chil-
dren both directly and through the families and communities in
which they live. Ways of listening to and including very young
children in these processes need to be developed and used.
This can be found on the Exchange website:
Any comments or thoughts would be welcome.
Alison Dunn
Research Officer
c/o Healthlink Worldwide
Cityside, 40 Adler Street
London E1 1EE, United Kingdom
Tel. +44-20-7539-1590
Fax: +44-20-7539-1580