[afro-nets] HSAN-hosted virtual session Sept 1-20 on innovative interventions to overcome health care access obstacles by the poor

From cost to poor quality services, or from stigma to gender inequity, there are many obstacles to inclusive health care. On the bright side, there are increasingly innovative interventions to circumvent these obstacles.

Some such examples include:
1. Voucher programs
2. Cash payment to cover transportation costs to access services
3. Cash payment to consumers to encourage priority service use
4. Community insurance schemes
5. Social insurance schemes

From September 1-20, HSAN will host its 4th "Ask the Expert (ATE)" session which will focus on "Overcoming the obstacles to the poor for accessing health care". For this topic, we would like to discuss concrete examples from different countries in resolving individual and household challenges in accessing health services: from transportation to payment issues.

The session will be led by HSAN members Tarry Asoka (Trained family physician and independent health management consultant and advisor in Nigeria) and Xiaolin Wei (Senior Research Fellow in Communicable Diseases Control Nuffield Centre International Health and Development, University of Leeds, UK)

During the session questions and comments, along with their responses will be posted to the webpage for further discussion. Please visit hsanet.org for more information, view sample Q&A and/or to participate in the session.

Alix Beith