[afro-nets] IAC 2008: An Emergency within an Emergency: Responding to PLHIV needs in humanitarian crises - an Oxfam International Satellite Session

Oxfam International Satellite session at the XVII International AIDS Conference, Mexico City

Monday, 4 August 2008, 18:30 - 20:00, (Location: SBR 2)

An Emergency within an Emergency:
Responding to PLHIV needs in humanitarian crises

Session Overview:
Many countries in the decade leading to the turn of this millennium and shortly after declared HIV and AIDS a national disaster. This elevated HIV and AIDS into an emergency befitting responses of the magnitude similar if not more to those accorded people affected by earthquakes, floods, droughts to mention but a few. Since this action was first taken, the world has gone through many humanitarian crises among them the Tsunami and the Mozambique floods. So how should HIV and AIDS be handled during these challenging times when the immediate emergency overlaps with the endemic emergency of HIV and AIDS?

Gideon Byamugisha: African Network of Religious Leaders Living with HIV
Andrew Rankin: Oxfam Australia

Presentations and discussants:

Overall context: The double threat of humanitarian and HIV and AIDS emergencies
Scott Drimie: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Implications of Gender and protection of women affected by HIV and AIDS in humanitarian crises
Dr. Ida Susser: Department of Anthropology, City University of New York (CUNY)

PLWHA vulnerability to communicable disease and opportunistic infections in emergency settings: experiences from OGB programming
Dr. Foyeke Tolani: Oxfam Great Britain

Complexities of treatment access and public health vulnerabilities for PLHIV in humanitarian crises: Hopes and Fears
Dr. Kalpana Sabapathy: Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF-OCA)

Climate Change and HIV and AIDS: PLHIV vulnerability in
emerging Climatic Disasters
Nanjakululu Wasai: Oxfam Great Britain

For more information, please contact Ansuyah Maharaj at


Communications - Global Centre of Learning on HIV and AIDS
Oxfam Great Britain
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