Invitation to Tender - UNAIDS project - Southern African Organi-
sations only
The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS, is the
main advocate for global action on the epidemic. It leads,
strengthens and supports an expanded response aimed at prevent-
ing transmission of HIV, providing care and support, reducing
the vulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV/AIDS,
and alleviating the impact of the epidemic.
Invitation to tender for the management of a UNAIDS Technical
Support Facility in Southern Africa
UNAIDS is establishing a Technical Support Facility (TSF) in
Southern Africa. This TSF will seek to collaborate with country
and regional partners in the provision of high quality technical
assistance required for the strategic planning, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation of efforts in support of national
HIV/AIDS programmes.
The TSF will be established and managed by an existing na-
tional/regional organisation or institution on a contractual ba-
sis for a period of two to three years. Applications are wel-
comed from groups working as a Consortium or network.
The main aim of the TSF will be to:
* Improve country partner access to timely and quality assured
technical assistance in agreed priority areas
* Strengthen the capacity of country partners to manage techni-
cal assistance effectively
* Assist in the professional development of national and re-
gional consultants
* Encourage a harmonised and collaborative approach to the de-
livery of technical assistance in support of country partner-
owned and partner-led action plans
Interested parties in the tender to manage the TSF will need to
demonstrate their ability and capacity to:
* Build strong links to sources of technical assistance both in
the region and internationally
* Recruit consultants and other providers of technical assis-
* Establish and maintain comprehensive databases of relevant
* Market services to potential clients
* Manage contracts
* Provide professional development for national and regional
* Strengthen the capacity of country partners to manage techni-
cal assistance
* Provide quality assurance of technical assistance
* Liaise with the UNAIDS Secretariat and other relevant stake-
Please note that only organizations based in Southern Africa
will be eligible to submit a proposal.
All tenders should be submitted by email by
24.00 hrs GMT on 30 November 2004. Further information on ten-
dering documents, eligibility criteria and required formats of
tenders are available from:
Vicki Beard