[afro-nets] Join the Global Online Forum for Reproductive Health

Dear friends and colleagues,
ReProductive Aid invites you to join an online discussion and global video
conference about how to increase funding for sexual and reproductive health
(SRH) in the new aid environment.

Guided by a Steering Committee of leading civil society representatives from
Africa, Asia and Europe, ReProductive Aid is launching an internet-based
global community of civil society representatives networking, learning,
sharing experiences and strategizing effective ways to address SRH in the
new development aid "architecture".

Background: In recent years, donors have significantly changed how
development aid is delivered. This new "aid architecture" has been difficult
for SRH organizations to access, and the result is stagnant and declining
aid for family planning and RH.

The guiding question: How can civil society organizations - in their roles
of advocates, service providers and policy/implementation watchdogs -
actively influence donors at country level to increase resources for SRH

Your knowledge and experiences on this subject are extremely helpful to
others working in this field.

Scheduled online discussions include:

* 8-12 September: "Accra, Aid Effectiveness and Reproductive

* 22-26 September: "Poverty Reduction Strategies and
Reproductive Health"

* 6-10 October: "Budget Support and Reproductive Health"

A web-based Global Video Forum to be conducted at the end of October will
connect participants through the internet and in meeting sites in Europe,
Africa and Asia to identify important themes, create networks and catalyze
human and financial resources.
Click to register for ReProductive Aid:
Spread the news! Share this link with colleagues who care about these
issues. And watch the website for updates and additional information on ReProductive Aid.

Karen Hoehn
Vice Executive Director
German Foundation of World Population
Place du Luxembourg 2-3,
1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 504 9060