[afro-nets] Mediterranean Association for Cooperation in Medicine

Mediterranean Association for Cooperation in Medicine
[From the Moderator: Sorry, but it seems the translation has
been done by Babelfish:
http://world.altavista.com/ D.N. Mod.]

We announce that many doctors, Rectors, Dean of Faculty of Medi-
cine, as Prof. P. Marano, Dean of Faculty of Medicine "Gemelli"
of Rome, Prof. L. Shenkmann, Vice Dean of "Sackler University"
in Tel Aviv and Director of Formation Program for New York Uni-
versity in Israel, Prof. L. Frati, Dean of Faculty of Medicine
of University "La Sapienza" of Rome, Prof. M. Condorelli of
Naples, Prof. G. Di Matteo of Rome, Prof. Gharbi of Tunis, Prof.
El-Khateeb of Il Cairo, Prof. Shmida of Albania, Prof. Yahya of
Tripoli finally are coming to constituting the AMCM/MACM Medi-
terranean Association for Cooperation in Medicine.

The constitution place will be in Milan in 15th December 2004.
More than 500 doctors and sanitary already they have been en-
rolled for the Constitution and the topic that will be developed
of "Cooperation in Medicine" is a topic much within and of the
particular present time, which allows us to the first levels in
social and political speeches, scientific, of research and sani-
tary. They are much content of propose to you to participate to
the Constitution of the SMCM because we think that, if we work
well, will be a beautiful paper to play for the future of the
Mediterranean, where are therefore many truths particular to de-
velop completely and to promote in international within. Others
many teachers are participating and the list is itself slowly
lengthening for the Constitution. I can declare just that we'll
open an Office of the AMCM/MACM in Bruxelles for our rapport
with European Community, and because we will can to have many
projects for sponsoring from European Community. In the case you
agree in participating to the Constitution of the AMCM/MACM you
can send to me a confirmation with e-mail and I'll send to you
the Statute and the Regulation.

Sincerely yours,

Prof. Dr. D. Maggiore MD
Via Trevano 11
6900 Lugano (Switzerland)
Tel. +41-91-921-0124
Fax: +41-91-921-0134