Misoprostol / Methotrexate as oral abortion inducers (2)
Sweden has some experience in mifepristol for abortion - in Norway it is
not yet accepted. We are very satisfied so far with our level of safety in
surgical, early abortions in the public sector only (they are free of
charge). In 1995 a gvt. committee in Norway summarized 15 years of experience
with our liberal law on abortion. It is published, but I do not know if
there are copies in English, but the Norwegian version is named Proposal to
gvt. no 16, 1995-96.
(Can be ordered from the Department of Social Affairs, Post box Dep, 0033
Oslo, Norway)
Can you please confirm that there is indeed a SA gynecologist who will
lecture at the FIGO event. Can I get her whereabouts immediately...?
Johanne Sundby
Dr. med. Johanne Sundby
Medical Anthropology
University of Oslo
post box 1130 Blindern
N-0316 Oslo, Norway
tel +47 22 85 05 98
fax +47 22 85 05 90
e-mail: johanne.sundby@samfunnsmed.uio.no
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