[afro-nets] New CD-ROM: e-TALC


Source: HIF-net-at-WHO

Issue 6 of e-TALC is now available free of charge to healthcare
workers in developing countries. e-TALC (electronic Teaching
Aids at Low Cost) is a CD-ROM-based information resource spe-
cifically for those working in health at all levels and across
all disciplines in developing countries.

The latest issue includes the Bulletin of the World Health Or-
ganization, British Medical Journal, Calicut Medical Journal,
Africa Health, Communication for Health India Network (CHIN)
News and dozens more. The full contents of this and previous is-
sues can be viewed online at the e-TALC website:

e-TALC CD-ROMS are available free of charge to those working in
developing countries, are simple to use, searchable, and provide
large quantities of high quality, copyright-free health, educa-
tional, and training materials.

Subscribe to e-TALC online at http://www.talcuk.org/etalc or

We are always interested in receiving relevant materials for fu-
ture editions of e-TALC. If you are an organisation or individ-
ual in the health field and have resources that you feel would
be suitable for healthcare workers in developing countries then
please visit

http://www.talcuk.org/etalc/contribute.htm or

Christian Haselwimmer

HIF-net-at-WHO profile: Christian Haselwimmer works with TALC,
Teaching-Aids at Low Cost. TALC is a UK-based charity which sup-
plies low-cost healthcare, training and teaching materials.
Christian provides technical support to the development of e-
TALC, through which TALC provides free information to health
workers in developing countries on CD-ROM. TALC also produces
CD-ROMs on behalf of other development NGOs. chris-

-HIF-net-at-WHO: working together to improve access to reliable
information for healthcare providers in developing and transi-
tional countries. Send list messages to
hif-net-at-who@dgroups.org. To join the list, send an email to
health@inasp.infowith name, organization, country, and brief de-
scription of professional interests. Archive at: