New e-Journal: Rural and Remote Health
I would like to introduce you to Rural and Remote Health (RRH),
an international electronic journal. RRH is committed to provid-
ing an easily accessible peer-reviewed evidence base for rural
and remote health, and is the only international journal in this
field. Subscription to RRH is FREE.
RRH also invites you to submit an article on the interesting re-
search and project work you are conducting within your office
and community for possible publication to an international audi-
ence. You can access full-text articles on-line. All articles
are subject to peer-review.
Please feel free to contact me or for further information, in-
cluding free registration, please visit
(Click on FREE Registration at the top of the home page)
Please forward this email to staff, students and your community.
Kind regards,
Leah Busby
Project Officer
e-Journal Rural and Remote Health
Tel: +61-8-8204-4618
Fax: +61-8-8204-5800
Mobile: +61-414-190-046