[afro-nets] New EDCTP Calls for proposals

The European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) welcomes project proposals as a response to the following calls:

Senior Fellowship

Available funds: € 2.4 million

Number of projects to fund: 12

Open to application: 1 February 2009

Deadline of application: 1 June 2009

Description of the grant scheme

Through this call, EDCTP intends to identify and support senior researchers capable of building and leading research groups at sub-Saharan African institutions that will be internationally competitive and capable of winning grants from international funding bodies. This grant is both available for researchers already working in Africa as well as those looking to return to the continent (re-entry grant). For this grant scheme EDCTP aims to contribute to building sustainable capacity through training and networking with linkage to the EDCTP supported regional Networks of Excellence in sub-Saharan Africa. A maximum of one Senior Fellowship per disease per region will be supported.

Establishment and Strengthening of African National Ethics Committees (NECs) or Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)

Available funds: € 500,000

Number of projects to fund: 10

Open to application: 1 February 2009

Deadline of application: 1 June 2009

Description of the grant scheme

EDCTP wishes to promote the establishment and strengthening of National Ethics Committees (NEC) and Institutional Review Boards (IRB) that are competent and independent. The NECs and the IRBs are encouraged to establish themselves administratively and financially so as to ensure sustained optimal function beyond the EDCTP funding. Strengthening of NEC or IRB aims at making them operational and gives support to their ongoing functions. Networking and training is encouraged and supported. Additional support in the form of online literature access, documents, access to websites on ethics and GCP will be facilitated.

In countries where NECs do not exist, the local institutional review boards are encouraged to contribute to the formation of a NEC. Where neither NECs nor local IRBs exist, the EDCTP will encourage national recognised institutions or scientists affiliated to an established in-country institution to be contracted to initiate the formation of the NEC.

More information and application:

Daniela Pereira