New handbook on safe sex work
'Making Sex Work Safe: a practical handbook for field workers, programme
managers and policy makers'
is a groundbreaking handbook launched by the Network of Sex Work Projects
(NSWP) to support the development of effective STD/HIV prevention
programmes, primary health care and support services for women, men and
transgender sex workers. The book is written by Cheryl Overs, international
co-ordinator of the NSWP, and Paulo Henrique Longo, Latin America regional
co-ordinator for the NSWP.
Published in collaboration with AHRTAG (Appropriate Health Resources and
Technologies Action Group), the manual builds on work initiated by the
Global Programme on AIDS at the World Health Organisation, and highlights
experiences and knowledge gained by STD/HIV prevention projects world-wide.
The 96-page illustrated manual contains information about key issues for
those developing a programme or project, including how to develop policies
and strategies, what is safe commercial sex, working with mobile
populations and drug users, and planning and evaluating projects. It also
provides examples of effective educational and enabling strategies and
activities designed to inform sex workers and others about sexual health
and which make it easier for people to protect their health.
'Making Sex Work Safe' is written in clear English and designed for those
involved in or planning health and welfare services for sex workers or
forming the laws and policies, which influence prostitution.
Copies of 'Making Sex Work Safe' are available from AHRTAG. Single copies
available free to developing countries, and for US$ 24 elsewhere.
For information about the NSWP contact:
NSWP Secretariat
Thomas Clarkson House,
The Stable Yard, Broomgrove Road, Stockwell
London SW9 9TL, U.K.
Tel. +44-171-924-9555
Fax: +44-171-738-4110
Farringdon Point,
29-35 Farringdon Road,
London EC1M 3JB, U.K.
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