[afro-nets] New Internet Site for German HIV Peer Review Group

New Internet Site for German HIV Peer Review Group

The German HIV Peer Review Group (PRG) is an initiative of HIV experts working in German and international development cooperation. It aims to collaboratively manage knowledge about good practice and lessons learnt in German contributions to responses to HIV in developing countries.

A new web site with a search function and the possibility to view the resulting PDF files in HTML format before downloading them can be found at: <http://hiv-prg.org/&gt;http://hiv-prg.org

So far, the PRG has published the following 11 titles that you can download at:

Many of the projects documented in this collection developed useful tools, such as manuals, presentations or training modules, that may be useful for other projects interested in adapting the described approaches to their particular contexts. More than 400 of these documents can be found in the respective toolboxes for downloading.

1. Boosting prevention: The Join In-Circuit on AIDS, Love and Sexuality
2. The German Approach to Mainstreaming HIV: one strategy for achieving effective and sustainable responses to HIV
3. Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
4. German contributions to the Caribbean AIDS response: Development cooperation in a specific epidemiological context
5. 'Aunties' for sexual and reproductive health: How unwed young mothers become advocates, teachers and counsellors in Cameroon
6. Medical Dialogue: How to kick-start a joint AIDS response by health workers and traditional healers
7. Bringing the AIDS response home: Empowering local and district authorities in Lesotho, Tanzania and Mpumalanga, South Africa
8. Mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in the Vocational Training Sector in Botswana
9. Involving People Living with HIV: Support to PLWH organisations in Cameroon
10. HIV prevention in basic education: The heart of a community-based AIDS response in Francophone Africa
11. Responding to what young people really want to know: Developing Question-Answer Booklets on Sexuality, HIV and AIDS with Young People

Dieter Neuvians MD