OpenLearning Web Site on Enteric Pathogens
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Best regards,
Salvatore Rubino
Lectures Published
Berrilli F. (Italy), Giarda Giardiasis. Epidemiology, diagnosis
and prevention of the protozoan flagellate Giarda duodenalis,
the etiological agent of giardiasis.
Beuzòn C. R. (Spain), Type III: segretion and Pathogensis - Les-
sons from Salmonella. Description of waterborne protozoa that
causes diarrhea and relative water management.
Bodrossy L. (Austria), Microbial diagnostic microarrays. An
overview of microarrays-based diagnostic technologies.
Braoudaki M. (US), Development and spread of antibiotic resis-
tance in salmonella enterica. The presentation summarizes basic
knowledge on Salmonella resistance to drugs and how the genetic
determinants of such resistance may spread.
Cardona N. (Colombia), Salmonellosis and its impact on public
health. A lecture on the impact of Salmonellosis on public
health with a description of Colombia situation.
Cardoso M. (Brazil), Salmonellosis. The lecture reviews clinical
and etiopathogenic features of typhoid fever and non-typhoidal
Salmonellosis and illustrates the state of the art of network
surveillance and prevention strategies.
Colombo M. M. (Italy), Vibrio cholerae and its genetic features.
A lecture on general and clinical features, antigenic variation
and LPS structure, genetic organization, mobile genetic elements
and drug resistance, virulence genes, molecular epidemiology
study with some examples in Africa.
Conaldi P. G. (Italy), Viruses causing gastroenteritis Viruses
causing gastroenteritis in humans.
Dore M. P. (Italy), Clinical management of diarrheal diseases. A
very extensive lecture on etiology, pathogenesis and clinical
management of acute and chronic diarrhea.
Earl P. R. (Mexico), Ascaris, Trichuris, Enterobius, Ancy-
lostoma, Strongyloides and Trichinella (Nematoda), and the dis-
eases that these roundworms cause in humans. An introduction on
nematode human pathogens.
Earl P. R. (Mexico), Amebiasis. Amebiasis or amebic dysentery is
caused by the protozoan Entamoeba histolytica. Here is described
the characteristics of this parasite and its diagnosis.
Earl P. R. (Mexico), Diarrhea caused by waterborne Entamoeba,
Giardia, Cryptosporidium and Cyclospora. Description of water-
borne protozoa that causes diarrhea and relative water manag-
Fuchs T. M. (Germany), Salmonella pathogenicity. An updated
overview of Salmonella mechanism of pathogenicity with a focus
on SPI-1 and SPI-2 encoded and or secreted virulence genes.
Gaind R. (India), Enteric fever - Epidemiology clinical features
and antibiotic resistance in India. A lecture illustrating epi-
demiological, clinical, laboratory and treatment aspects of ty-
phoid fever in India.
Ghenghesh K. S. (Libya), New emerging pathogens - Aeromonas. The
lecture reports headlines of emerging bacterial pathogens and
focuses, as an example, on Aeromonas.
Kariuki S. (Kenia), Typhoid fever in Africa: emerging fluoroqui-
nolone resistance. A presentation on Salmonella Antibiotic re-
sistance trend in Kenya.
McCormick B. A. (US), Molecular cross-talk between epithelial
cells and enteric pathogens. A very extensive lecture on inter-
action between enteric pathogens and epithelial cells, with a
focus on how enteric pathogens cause inflammatory and/or secre-
tory diarrhea.
Musumeci S. (Italy), Helicobacter pylori infection in Burkina
Faso an enigma within an enigma. A lecture on H. pylori inci-
dence in Burkina Faso and its poor association to peptic ulcer.
Musumeci S. (Italy), Epidemiology of bacterial resistance in a
tropical area. The lecture reports the epidemiology of enteric
bacteria drug resistance in Burkina Faso.
Okeke I. N. (US), Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli. A lecture
on a specific diarrheagenic E. coli.
Paglietti B. (Italy), Enterobacteriaceae. An introduction to En-
Pompei R. (Italy), Food quality and microbial infection. It is a
basic lecture that gives some updated information on the rela-
tionship between foods and microbial pathogens, with some data
on microbial epidemiology and methods for microbial detection
and disease prevention.
Rubino S. (Italy), Surveillance of salmonellosis in developing
countries - a model of cooperation. The lecture illustrates mod-
els of cooperation to achieve better surveillance and prevention
strategies of Salmonellosis in developing countries.
Sechi L. (Italy), Mycobacterium paratuberculosis. Mycobacterium
paratuberculosis, a successful obligate enteric pathogen.
Telo A., Isolation of salmonella organisms from egg shells and
contents. A lecture on methods for isolation of Salmonella in
Tomas J. M., Molecular mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis from
an emerging pathogen - aeromonas. An introduction on Aeromonas
mechanisms of pathogenicity.
Prof. Salvatore Rubino
Dip. Scienze Biomediche
Viale San Pietro 43/b
07100 Sassari, Italy
Tel: +39-079-228-302
Fax: +39-079-212-345