[afro-nets] Peoples' Health Assembly II and the Global Health Watch

Peoples' Health Assembly II and the Global Health Watch: Joint
Call for Case Studies and Testimonies

We are calling individuals and organisations - activists, commu-
nities, health workers and academics - from around the world to
submit case studies and testimonies to be part of the process of
the second Peoples' Health Assembly and the Global Health Watch
report 2005. See below for more.

About us

The Peoples' Health Assembly II (PHA2) is a mobilisation process
lead by the Peoples' Health Movement, that promotes public par-
ticipation and organisation around health issues and supports
the struggles for the attainment of "health for all". The PHA2
aims to have a wide and integral approach to key health topics,
and it will be receiving contributions in various formats such
photographic exhibitions, artwork, handcrafts, posters, rituals,
music, drama and video, as well as written case studies and tes-

The Global Health Watch is a non-government initiative aimed at
supporting civil society to more effectively campaign and lobby
for 'health for all' and equitable access to health care. It
does so around the production of an alternative World Health Re-
port that aims to provide a platform for academics, activists
and non-government organisations to:

· Promote the accountability of governments and global institu-
tions that affect health (such as the World Health Organisation,
UNICEF and the World Bank)

* Identify policies and practices at the global and national
levels that are unfair, unjust and bad for health

* Highlight the needs of the poor and reinvigorate the principle
of 'health for all'

* Shift the health policy agenda to recognise the political, so-
cial and economic barriers to better health and to advocate al-
ternatives to market-driven approaches to health and health care

How can you participate?

The Peoples' Health Assembly II and the Global Health Watch are
putting out a joint call for the submission of local, country or
region-specific case studies and testimonies. These case studies
will form part both of the process of the PHA2, either at the
event or the preceding discussions, and the GHW 2005 Report as
part of the electronic accompaniment of the report

Some examples for case studies:

* Public Care Systems: Examples of effective, efficient and in-
clusive public health care systems.

* Positive and negative examples of policies and actions to se-
cure improved and equitable access to health care.

* Health, conflict and war

* Commercialisation of healthcare: evidence showing the negative
effects of commercialised health care on professional ethics.

* Skills drain: Case studies that illustrate the effects of
health professionals migration from low/middle income countries
to high income countries

* Decentralisation and health: Case studies on what is driving
good and bad processes of decentralisation, with some analysis
illustrative case studies of where deconcentration, devolution
and delegation have worked, where it hasn't worked and why.

* Debt, donors and health: The good and bad practices bilateral
and multi-lateral donors on public health stewardship and on the
performance of health care systems.

* Privatisation of public services: Examples of civil society
resistance to the effect of privatised public water and elec-
tricity utilities on equitable and fair access.

* Access to medicines

* Traditional medicine

* Corporations and health: Case studies of the positive and
negative impact of multi-national corporations on health policy.

* Case studies of the difficulty that country governments have
in responding to the needs and demands of multiple international
agencies (creditors such as the World Bank, traditional bilat-
eral donors, relatively new institutions such as GAVI and the
Global Fund).

For case studies and testimonies

We are looking for short and concise submissions of 500 - 2000
words. Please indicate:

* your organisation
* your locality/country/region
* whether you want your submission to be anonymous and why
* We request that you use clear Spanish or English with no jar-

Please submit your contributions to mailto:ghw@medact.org

For photographs, artwork, handcrafts, posters, rituals, music,
drama and video, please submit your contributions to:

Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Cuenca
Av. 12 de Abril junto al Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso
Fax: + 593-7-2841-865 288-1406