[afro-nets] President Obama Moves to Rescind Bush HHS Rule

Cross-posted from: Center for Reproductive Rights <nancyjnorthup@reprorights.org>

*President Obama Moves to Rescind Bush HHS Rule* *Center for Reproductive Rights Applauds President for Repealing Dangerous Regulation*

*February 27, 2009*

*"Any time, any worker at a healthcare facility can prevent a woman seeking reproductive services from getting care, information and even, a referral-and the government sanctions such conduct-it's time for a regulatory 'do-over'," said Nancy Northup, president of the Center for
Reproductive Rights.*

New York-Today, the Obama administration indicated that it plans to rescind a health regulation that would drastically hinder women's ability to get reproductive health services, including basic care such as contraception, counseling and information necessary to make decisions about their own health. The regulation was issued in December by the Department of Health and Human Services shortly before President George W. Bush left office.

Under the rule, people only marginally related to providing healthcare and an increased number of medical institutions are allowed to refuse a woman care based on religious or moral beliefs. In effect, doctors and virtually anyone involved with providing a woman services, like a receptionist or a health insurance claim officer, could refuse a woman counseling and information or even a referral. Center for Reproductive Rights President Nancy Northup released this statement today in response:

"The Center for Reproductive Rights commends President Obama for beginning the process to repeal this harmful regulation.

"Any time, any worker at a healthcare facility can prevent a woman seeking reproductive services from getting care, information and even, a referral-and the government sanctions such conduct-it's time for a regulatory 'do-over'. The Bush administration claimed that this policy protects healthcare providers against discrimination, but in truth, it leaves patients unprotected and seriously violates their rights and medical needs."
