[afro-nets] Promising Practices: Task Shifting, Improving Retention, Rapid Recruitment and Deployment

The Capacity Project is very pleased to announce that the following Promising Practice papers are now available in French:

Task Shifting: Community Health Officers in Ghana (Délégation des tâches vers des agents de santé communautaires au Ghana) <http://www.capacityproject.org/images/stories/files/promprac_1_f.pdf&gt;

Improving Retention: Nurse Tutors in Malawi (Mieux fidéliser le personnel: Des tuteurs infirmiers au Malawi) <http://www.capacityproject.org/images/stories/files/promprac_2_f.pdf&gt;

Rapid Recruitment and Deployment: HIV/AIDS Workers in Namibia (Recrutement et déploiement rapides des prestataires de services de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA en Namibie) <http://www.capacityproject.org/images/stories/files/promprac_3_f.pdf&gt;

Task Shifting: Field Officers in Uganda (Délégation des tâches vers les agents de terrain en Ouganda) <http://www.capacityproject.org/images/stories/files/promprac_4_f.pdf&gt;

To learn more about the Capacity Project's publications in French, Spanish and English, please visit us at: http://www.capacityproject.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=30&Itemid=55.

Jennifer Solomon
Communications Specialist
The Capacity Project
IntraHealth International
6340 Quadrangle Drive, Suite 200
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27517
+1 (919) 313-9187