Hallo colleagues
If there is anyone with information on health electronic resources please help, even something to do with trainings on electronic resources.
Mudhara Chavhi
Dear Mudhara,
Please feel free to use the World Health Organization/AFRO databases available at : http://afrolib.afro.who.int and http://indexmedicus.afro.who.int. Some articles or materials are available in full text.
If you are in an eligible African Country, please subscribe also to HINARI http://www.who.int/hinari
Please take also advantage of the Directory of Open Access Journals at: http://www.doaj.org
With kindest regards.
Reference Librarian/African Index Medicus
World Health Organization
Regional Office for Africa
B.P 6
Brazzaville, CONGO
Tel: +242 566035
Fax: +242 839 673
or +47 241 39673
http://afrolib.afro.who.int ; http://indexmedicus.afro.who.int
See http://centaur.vri.cz GOOD RESEARCH PRACTICE 2008 distance learning
Karel Hruska
Dear Mudhara,
You may wish to visit Essential Health Links on the AED-SATELLIFE web site, a free Internet portal linked to more than 700 web sites, especially for health professionals in low income and emerging countries (http://www.healthnet.org/essential-links/index.html)
You can also go to http://www.healthnet.org, our web site to read about our free health e-newsletters called HealthNet News and discussion groups on various health topics.
I hope these are helpful to you.
With kind regards,
Leela McCullough
Leela McCullough, Ed.D.
Director of Information Services
AED-SATELLIFE Center for Health Information and Technology
30 California Street, Watertown, MA 02472, USA
Tel: +1-617-926-9400 Fax: +1-617-926-1212
Email: lmccullough@aed.org
Web: http://www.healthnet.org
Dear Colleague,
AED-SATELLIFE (www.healthnet.org) produces 4 weekly and monthly e-mail "HealthNet News" newsletters. They provide abstracts and full text articles of original research and reviews from current issues of medical and health journals, including the Lancet, the British Medical Journal, Tropical Medicine and International Health, the South African Medical Journal, the East African Medical Journal, the Journal of Infectious Diseases, and many more. The content is focused on research relevant to the developing world, and HealthNet News is available free of charge ONLY to those living in low-income countries. The four HealthNet Newsletters are:
HealthNet News (HNN): Weekly up-to-date, clinical and research information on various health topics HealthNet News AIDS: Twice-monthly HIV/AIDS focused clinical and public health information
HealthNet News Community Health: Monthly current, thematic public health information
HealthNet News Nursing: Monthly reliable content on nursing practices, management, and care
Those who would like to receive HealthNet News can e-mail mailto:hnet@healthnet.org, including their country and the newsletter(s) to which they would like to subscribe.
Pamela Scorza
Dear Mudhara Chavhi
The UK NGO Consortium on AIDS and Development provides an excellent portal to AIDS and development information. See
Also, MIDEGO inc. a USA private sector health and development organization offers 7 day on line courses in public health and M&E and the like. See:
Ruth Hope
Health and Development Consultant
3327 Pensa Drive
Falls Church
Virginia 22041
Phone: +1-703-931-1480
Fax: +1-253-369-7493
Cell: +1-703-283-6157
Skype: RuthHope1
Email: mailto:Ruth.Hope@verizon.net