[afro-nets] Rural and Remote Health listed on MEDLINE

Rural and Remote Health listed on MEDLINE

The NIH National Library of Medicine has informed us that "Rural
and Remote Health" (RRH) has been selected to be indexed and in-
cluded in Index Medicus and MEDLINE. This is great news for the
rural and remote health community. Many thanks are due to the
Editorial Board for their support in the process, to our great
staff for the work they put in to achieve the required quality
of our management and production processes, and to the authors
of our articles for the quality of their work that has been rec-
ognised by this decision.

The journal is now listed in the following databases: CINHAL,
APAIS (incl. ATSIROM and AUSThealth), AMI (Australasian Medical
Index) and registered with PANDORA and the DEST Register of Re-
ferred Journals. We hope that the MEDLINE listing will enable
authors to gain the audience and credit their work deserves, and
will help disseminate their evidence to people who need to know,
thus assisting in improving health for all rural and remote com-

To subscribe (for free) visit: http://rrh.deakin.edu.au

Leah Busby
Project Officer
e-Journal Rural and Remote Health
Tel: +61-8-8204-4618
Fax: +61-8-8204-5800
Mobile: +61-414-190-046