The Microenterprise & HIV Community of Practice is a new on-line community developed by the SEEP Network to support economic strength and wellness among HIV & AIDS-affected people. The purpose of the community of practice is to link Microenterprise Development Practitioners, HIV and Public Health Professionals and Policy Makers to address the challenge of HIV & AIDS together.
From June 18-25, 2008, the group will be holding an online conference entitled "Strategies for Microenterprise & HIV Programming". Through the forum we will dialogue around questions of interests to both groups such as:
- How microenterprise development practitioners can respond in HIV and AIDS affected communities.
- How microenterprise development strategies can help with economic security - on a large scale for individuals, families and communities affected by HIV.
Together we will ...
- Review frameworks and vocabulary from both communities of practice to enhance common understanding
- Share perspectives and strategies for addressing the challenges of HIV & AIDS
- Explore opportunities and challenges for applying market-based approaches to programs targeting people living with HIV (PLHIV), their families, and communities.