[afro-nets] The Netzkraft Movement

The Netzkraft Movement

Invitation to a network of persons and groups who commit them-
selves socially, politically, ecologically or spiritually

Dear people of the African Networks for Health Research & Devel-
opment (AFRO-NETS),

we learnt about your work during our worldwide search for com-
mitted, charitable organizations and groups. We would like to
invite you to become a part of our global network: we will be-
come stronger by networking our forces!

The Netzkraft Movement is a supra-thematic and international
network of socially committed persons and groups who have the
objective to support the work of the individual net participants
and to increase their influence on society through a common net-
work. It is a network of solidarity within which the net par-
ticipants support each other (for example by offering an over-
night accommodation, by giving advice or arranging for expert
contacts). Moreover, the network offers the opportunity to in-
troduce oneself and one's work in the internet, free of charge.

The Netzkraft Movement is an exclusive network. Only those ap-
plicants who fulfil three requirements will be admitted:

- they commit themselves to the common good, i.e. they don't
only talk but act - for example for a policy of peace, environ-
mental protection, a common project, equal rights for women,
against racism, for the respect for human rights in other areas
or for the Third World

- they declare their support for the common objectives of the
Netzkraft Movement, the basic consensus - and

- they are ready for solidarity of the net participants among
themselves, i.e. they are open to meet and support other net

The networking is decentralized and autonomous, i.e. it comes
from the individual participants. Any costs or further commit-
ments are not involved. A charitable association which is the
sponsor of our Institute makes our editorial work and upkeep of
the internet pages possible.

Please visit us under http://www.netzkraft.net

The earth needs people like you who do not let themselves be
discouraged and who pursue their work persistently - for more
humanity and more justice in the world.

For this purpose we wish you furthermore much success! Much luck
in the New Year wish you

Dr. Jo Becker and Gertrud Sivalingam
Editors of the net directory in the Institute of Systemic Re-
search in Xanten (Germany)