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The Voluntary Code of Ethical Conduct for the Recruitment of Foreign-Educated Nurses to the United States
AcademyHealth, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and a taskforce of diverse stakeholders
Washington, D.C. September 2008 --—A Task Force representing unions, health care organizations, educational and licensure bodies, and recruiters today released the Voluntary Code of Ethical Conduct for the Recruitment of Foreign-Educated Nurses to the United States. The Code aims to ensure that the growing practice of recruiting foreign-educated nurses to the United States is done in a responsible and transparent manner…"
• Full Text of the Code<>\(PDF\)
"…The Voluntary Code of Ethical Conduct for the Recruitment of Foreign-Educated Nurses to the United States (the Code) reflects the mutual recognition of stakeholder interests relevant to the recruitment of foreign educated nurses (FENs) to the United States. It is based on an acknowledgement of the rights of individuals to migrate, as well as an understanding that the legitimate interests and responsibilities of nurses, source countries, and employers in the destination country may conflict. It affirms that a careful balancing of those individual and collective interests offers the best course for maximizing the benefits and reducing the potential harm to all parties.
While the Code acknowledges the interests of these three primary stakeholder groups, its subscribers are the organizations that recruit and employ foreign educated nurses, e.g., third party recruiting firms, staffing agencies, hospitals, long-term care organizations and health systems..'
• Description of the Project <>
• Task Force Members<>
• U.S.-Based International Nurse Recruitment: Structure and Practices of a Burgeoning Industry - AcademyHealth Report on Year 1 of the project <>\(PDF\)
• Additional Reading<>
Mrs. Ana Lucia Ruggiero (WDC)