[afro-nets] Vacancy: AIDS Watch Africa Liaison Officer

Vacancy: AIDS Watch Africa Liaison Officer

The position vacancy below, posted on the Nigeria-AIDS eForum,
should be of interest to AFRO-NETTERS.

Omololu Falobi

Vacancy: AIDS Watch Africa Liaison Officer

Terms of Reference for AWA Liaison Officer to support AIDS Watch
Africa: November 2004 - December, 2005.

What is AIDS Watch Africa?

Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, Heads of States and Gov-
ernments of seven other African countries, United Nations Secre-
tary-General Kofi Annan and the African Union Secretary-General
established AIDS Watch Africa (AWA) in 2001 to set an agenda for
top-level leadership to the African AIDS response. AWA was envi-
sioned as an instrument for the continental response to AIDS,
with the potential to stimulate and mobilize the people of Af-
rica and the resources needed to address the pandemic. Further-
more, AWA would serve as an instrument for peer review, account-
ability and measurement of the commitment of member states to
the fight against the pandemic.

AWA's leadership and the creation of new forces of solidarity
and advocacy aim to:
* recognize 'champions' and key personalities driving the Afri-
can response;
* confront stigma, denial and discrimination by creating part-
nerships with civil society and pressing for the full participa-
tion of people living with HIV;
* advocacy respect for human rights and the integration of a
gender perspective;
* ensure that national responses are resourced, to the extent
possible, from national budgets;
* intensify regional cooperation and develop regional strategies
to support individual countries;
* integrate HIV and AIDS concerns in all development-assistance
programmes and poverty-reduction strategies; and
* mobilize contributions from public and private sources with a
social appeal to foundations, the business community, the pri-
vate sector and wealthy individuals.

AWA has so far held two meetings during summits of the Organiza-
tion of African Unity (OAU) in Lusaka and Maputo. It was ob-
served during these meetings that the sustainability of AWA and
the fulfilment of its well-articulated role require the institu-
tionalization of this laudable initiative. This led to discus-
sions with African Union Chairman Alpha Konare about a way for-
ward-repositioning AWA within the African Union.

This has led to the establishment of the position of an AWA Li-
aison officer.

Main Functions of AWA Liaison officer

The AWA Liaison Officer, working in the AIDS Watch Africa Liai-
son Office in Abuja Nigeria, under the supervision of the Chair-
person of Nigeria AWA Working Group will provide support to the
Group in support of President Obasanjo's effective leadership of
the AWA Heads of State and Government Action Committee. In this
context the ALO will develop a close working relationship with
the Africa Union, the African Union Commission, Social Affairs
Commission, and the Department of Social Affairs in Addis Ababa,
and other key stakeholders to implement the following activi-

Support to implementation of AWA Action Plan

1. To support the day-to-day implementation of the AWA Annual
Action Plan;

2. Provide policy and technical support to President Obasanjo
through the Nigeria AWA Working Group in his role as chairperson
of AWA;

3. Ensure that the AWA agenda is advanced through President
Obasanjo in his roles as Chairperson of the Africa Union Heads
of State and Government Assembly, chairperson of the Common-
wealth Heads of States, and a key African Union representative
to the G8;

Support to strengthening coordination between AWA and AU

4. Ensure effective coordination between AWA and the AUC on
technical issues and implementation of the action plan.

5. Support the development of AWA's Action Plan for 2004/2005
for consideration at AWA Technical Meeting;

Promotion and dissemination of AWA best practices

6. Support identification, documentation and promotion of AWA
guidelines, activities (best practices, plans and activity re-
ports) during ICASA and other Regional meetings;

7. Support the planning and conduct of a round table session
during ICASA meetings where African Leaders get updates on ac-
countability towards achieving the MDGs;

8. Sensitize, prepare and brief participants to the Roundtable
to meetings during Regional meetings and ICASA;

Provide secretariat support to the Nigeria AWA Working Group

9. Prepare meeting background documents and organize meeting;

10. Develop and disseminate meeting reports in a timely fashion;

11. Follow up and ensure implementation of decisions of meet-


A. Required: A minimum of seven years experience in the Analy-
sis, Design and implementation of development programs in the
public or private sectors.

B. Required: A Master's Degree in Public Health, Business Ad-
ministration, Strategic Management or a related field.

C. Required: At least five years prior work experience in a
similar position in Nigeria or in the region.

D. Required: Proven experience with managing large projects with
multiple stakeholders and complex administration.

E. Required: Ability to create partnerships and achieve results
through influencing rather than exercising authority.

F. Preferred: specialization in either management or administra-

G. Preferred: Outstanding manager of people and processes, with
particular skills in staff motivation and fostering of high per-
formance teams.

Teamwork and Interpersonal Skills

Incumbent must be able to interact with a broad range of na-
tional and external partners. Incumbent must have excellent in-
terpersonal, communication, and training skills as well as pre-
vious administrative experience.

Method of Application

Interested candidates in this position should forward their 'Ex-
pression of Interest' together with detail curriculum vitae to
the address/e-mail below within two weeks from the date of this

The Chairman
National Action Committee on AIDS
The Presidency
Plot 823 Ralph Shodeinde Street
Central Business District
Abuja, Nigeria
Tel: +234-9-290-4413-9