Vacancy: Data Analyst and Use Specialist
LOCATION: Kigali, Rwanda
SUPERVISOR: MEASURE Evaluation/JSI Rwanda M&E Advisor
MEASURE Evaluation Phase II is a worldwide United States Agency
for International Development (USAID) cooperative agreement,
awarded to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The
project is carried out through sub-agreements with John Snow,
Inc. (JSI), and The Futures Group in Washington, DC, Tulane Uni-
versity in New Orleans, LA, and MACRO International in Calver-
ton, MD. Its objective is to improve and institutionalize the
collection and utilization of data for population, health and
nutrition programs. Project activities are currently underway in
multiple countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Visit the
project website for more information:
Rwanda is classified as an "intensive focus" country by
USAID/Washington, and as such the USAID Mission is able to sup-
port a wide range of HIV/AIDS activities including prevention,
care, and systems strengthening. Although the primary focus of
USAID/Rwanda's new HIV/AIDS strategy is improving quality pre-
vention and care services at the periphery level within the
health districts, the strategy will include support to key cen-
tral level mechanisms, such as the National Commission on
HIV/AIDS (CNLS). The CNLS was established in late 2000 and is
attached to the President' Office. The CNLS has established de-
centralized bodies (CPLS) in each of the 12 provinces, and is
currently establishing district-level bodies (CDLS) of which
there will be 106. The CPLS membership includes local represen-
tatives from health, education and local government, as well as
other partners active in HIV/AIDS within each province. In addi-
tion, there are a numerous international and national partners
in Rwanda supporting the fight against HIV/AIDS. The CNLS' web-
site is available at:
The Data Analyst and Use Specialist will work under the supervi-
sion of the JSI Rwanda M&E Advisor with other MEASURE Evaluation
staff to implement project objectives and activities. This posi-
tion will be housed within the CNLS and will serve as an advisor
to the data management staff within the Direction of M&E at the
CNLS. This position will be responsible for building capacity
for data analysis and use by transferring skills to relevant
staff of the CNLS, in particular the CNLS analyst. This includes
working with staff in the development and initial implementation
of an effective Management Information System (MIS) for CNLS and
all of its partners.
Specific Responsibilities will include, but not be limited to
the following:
* Develop, implement and coordinate an effective and efficient
program MIS for the national response to HIV/AIDS;
* Contribute to the process of developing and refining of per-
formance indicators to ensure that they are objective, practi-
cal, specific and cost-effective;
* In consultation with the M&E specialist and heads of depart-
ment, continuously review M&E tools and adapt them accordingly;
* Assist CNLS M&E staff with implementation of M&E tools through
training, participation in supervision, and consensus building;
* Provide technical backstopping in the MIS/M&E systems in all
CNLS areas of operation;
* Develop and maintain appropriate program data bases;
* Coordinate/assist documentation of best practices and success
stories across CNLS areas of operation;
* Assist in the compilation of quarterly and annual program re-
* Coordinate operations research and special studies as may be
* Explain and familiarize CNLS senior management with MIS;
* In consultation with and through the Director of M&E, creates
linkages with other sectors and agencies involved in HIV/AIDS
control, particularly in the area of M&E/MIS;
* Ensure that MIS is understood and is used for planning and
management of HIV/AIDS programs;
* Provide training for CNLS and other agencies on M&E/MIS.
* Advance degree (MPH, MS, MA, other) in public health or re-
lated fields such as health systems or bio-statistics;
* At least 5 years "hands on experience" at a senior position in
MIS/M&E in a health or related international NGO or bilat-
eral/multilateral organizations preferably in sub-Saharan Af-
* Proven abilities in the area of conducting project/program
monitoring and evaluation, documentation and advocacy;
* Demonstrated capacity to develop and oversee implementation of
M&E or MIS tools;
* Superior analytical, presentation, communication and reporting
*Sound IT knowledge, word processing, spreadsheets, databases,
presentations and statistical applications (strong skills in
analytical software: Epi info, CRIS, Child Info, SPECTRUM);
* Good interpersonal and people management skills, a team player
and builder;
* Good command of the French language. Working knowledge of Eng-
lish and will be an advantage.
Please send CV's and cover letters by October 31, 2004 to:
Ren�e Fiorentino
John Snow Incorporated - Rwanda
Avenue de l'Akagera, No 1428
B.P. 1646 Kigali, Rwanda
Fax: +250-57-3265
JSI is an equal opportunity employer.