[afro-nets] Website: Bugs & Drugs on the Web

Website: Bugs & Drugs on the Web

A UK National Electronic Library of Infection (NELI) Antimicro-
bial Resistance Website

The site claims to have "been developed in response to current
concern about antimicrobial resistance and provides information
for the public to promote appropriate use of antimicrobials".

Featured resources include:
* 'Learn About Antimicrobial Resistance'
What are microbes and what is antimicrobial resistance? How do
we become ill and how does our immune system work?

* 'Antimicrobial Resistance & Common Illnesses'
How should antimicrobials be used to treat common illnesses? Why
don't we always need to take them?

* 'Preventing Antimicrobial Resistance'
How can we help prevent antimicrobial resistance? Do anti-
bacterials cause resistance? What about the use of antimicrobi-
als in farming or protecting against the effects of bio-

* 'News, Other Resources'
This section will take you to current news articles, related re-
sources and our current tip

Visit at: http://www.antibioticresistance.org.uk/

A. Odutola