[afro-nets] You will be amazed

I am forwarding to you one of the most amazing things that I have EVER heard. How small are we in the scheme of things. Want proof that we are not spawned from a monkey or the sea. Now....this is lengthly.....but if you do not watch this in all 5 parts you will have missed something very important....and something very very amazing.

Please click the link below and watch all 5 parts of this amazing message. Believe me you have never been presented anything like this before. I hope you will take the time with anyone or no one. Each part gets better and better.

"Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. Prohibition of private firearms is the goal." Attorney General Janet Reno

"A system of licensing and registration, is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie." Vladimir Lenin