[e-drug] a malaria vaccine by 2010? (2)

E-DRUG: a malaria vaccine by 2010? (2)


If one reads the history books, there was an elegant way to get rid of malaria some 40 years ago everybody thought. DDT.

It was used in Sub Saharan Africa and also in Ethiopia with great succes against the Anapheles mosquitos. But as all stories have their downside, this did too.

Firstly the areas covered could not sustain the additional survivors, starvation followed harvesting about as many lives as malaria did, and as everybody knows DDT was forbidden due to other reasons.

Lesson: Don't fool around too much with natures balance if you are not prepared to follow up the short and longtime consequences, birthplanning, food help, agricultural development etc...

Save lives yes! But be also prepared and willing to invest heavily in these areas!

Bernhard Edgren