[e-drug] C-Channel - NEW e-newsletter from C-Change

E-DRUG: C-Channel - NEW e-newsletter from C-Change

Dear Colleagues,

This introduces the premier issue of C-Channel, the e-newsletter from the
C-Change (Communication for Change) program, on research in communication
for behavior and social change. Funded by USAID and led by AED, the purpose
of C-Change is to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of
communication for behavior change and social change as an integral part of
development efforts.

Information is a powerful tool. C-Channel readers in low and middle income
countries who face difficulty in searching for health information on the
Internet will be able to access selected, current knowledge from
peer-reviewed journal literature via C-Channel. We expect that C-Channel
will raise awareness of new research findings; influence practice in program
management and implementation, policy making, service delivery, and
research; and support the education of health and development workers.
Readers will be able to make informed decisions about their work based on
recent, peer-reviewed research evidence.

Articles for the e-newsletter are selected for their emphasis on
communication for behavior change and social change; they provide
state-of-the-art, relevant, reliable information on a variety of content
areas, including family planning, reproductive health, HIV and AIDS,
malaria, and social and gender norms. Primary sources of information are
peer-reviewed journals, some of which are Open Access journals. C-Channel
makes available, free-of-charge to readers in the developing world, via
email, the abstracts and latest articles from selected peer-reviewed
journals. The free-of-charge feature is a hallmark of AED-SATELLIFE's
information products based on long-standing agreements they have forged with
many publishers. For readers in the developed world, the email includes the
title with a short descriptive note and a link to the full article, freely
available in Open Access, or downloadable upon payment of a fee to the

To comply with our agreements with publishers, C-Change must confirm the
country of each subscriber. Therefore, this first issue of C-Channel will
not contain full articles. The link will access an abstract or summary only.
It is expected that with the second issue, eligible subscribers will have
access to the full articles.

To continue receiving subsequent monthly issues of C-Channel, you must
SUBSCRIBE using our simple subscription system. To SUBSCRIBE, please click:
Developing World http://sympa.healthnet.org/wws/subscribe/c-channel-dw or
Industrialized World http://sympa.healthnet.org/wws/subscribe/c-channel-iw
If your colleagues or affiliated institutions have e-mail access and would
like to receive C-Channel, please have them contact

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome and can be sent to

Thank you,
The Knowledge Management Team at C-Change