E-DRUG: Detailed information request on RAPILYSIN

Kathmandu, 18 March 1997

Dear Madame/Sir,

I, as a the HealthNet user in Nepal and Manager of a NGO that do
researches on high altitude science and technology including on High
Altitude Physiology, kindly would like to request you to send us
detailed information regarding the latest introduced medicine
RETEPLASE (its brand name is RAPILYSIN), urgently. As it is mentioned
in the latest edition of the German magazine called "Deutschland"
that "Reteplase is the name of the first drug in Germany researched,
developed and produced using gene technology. Boehringer Mannhein,
Germany, the pharmaceuticals company, has put the drug on the market
under the brand name Rapilysin. It opens blocked arteries in the
coronary vessels of people who have suffered a heart attack so that
the blood can again circulate freely. Reteplase is produced by
genetically modified bacteria and works like one of the body's own
enzymes. Because Reteplase does not adhere to the blood clot, the
blockage that typically occurs after a heart attack can be quickly
    I would appreciate and be very much thankful to you if you could
respond as soon as possible in this regard.
    With my best regards.

    Sincerely yours,

   Hari Shrestha

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