E-DRUG: E-drug shifting software on the server
dear E-druggers,
After using Majordomo software since June 1995, the E-drug messages will now be moderated using Mailman software. Please bear with the moderators who have to get used to the change. And thanks to SatelLife which has always been so supportive of E-drug!
For you as users nothing changes: keep sending your messages to e-drug@healthnet.org
Please realize that they only arrive with the E-drug moderators if you send them from the account that is registered as a subscriber!
This is needed to avoid all the spam and virus messages!
And you can search the thousands of E-drug messages at: http://www.essentialdrugs.org/edrug/archives.php
kind regards
Wilbert Bannenberg
on behalf of all E-drug moderators
To send a message to E-Drug, write to: e-drug@healthnet.org
To subscribe or unsubscribe, write to: majordomo@healthnet.org
in the body of the message type: subscribe e-drug OR unsubscribe e-drug
To contact a person, send a message to: e-drug-help@healthnet.org
Information and archives: http://www.essentialdrugs.org/edrug