[e-drug] Emergency Health Kit vs EM lists for different levels

E-DRUG: Emergency Health Kit vs EM lists for different levels

Dear all,

I would like some information on a standard health
emergency kit (in WHO's language). From what I understand
these are the list of drugs and supplies which are needed
during any emergency health crises.

Can it also be interpreted as the list of drugs and
supplies which need to be in stock in all health centres
at any given time?

What I am interested in is in the latter. Do all countries
have such list? If so, is it possible to share it here?
and how do you go about defining and developing this list?

Would really appreciate your suggestions/help on this.

Manusika Rai
Program Manager
Essential Drugs Program
Ministry of Health

[The emergency health kit is not a list of what is to be available at all times. Such lists must be put up depending on the types of diseases that is to be diagnosed and treated at that particular level of health care. The list is based on each country's list of Essential Medicines. Most countries will make such lists per level. Moderator]

E-DRUG: Emergency Health Kit vs EM lists for different levels (2)

Dear E-drug
I do agree with the moderator that Emergency Health Kits are ment to be prepared when there is an outbreak of a certain disease. It does not mean that it has to be packed and be available in a facility every time.


Mercy Kimaro