E-DRUG: Malaria, Schisto, Filaria, Chagas, Leish, Leprosy discussed

"What's new? ... in the tropical diseases research community ?"

     My colleague K.(Bob) Hata has compiled this collection of electronic
     discussion groups. If you need more information please contact him
     (hatak@who.ch) or the list owner/s directly.
     Jorg Hetzke
     WHO Action Programme on Essential Drugs
                E-MAIL LISTS OF Tropical Disease RELATED TOPICS
                                        *** Please send corrections
___________________________________________________________________________ The following active lists have been reported in the
list. All are global lists, open to anyone interested. No subscription
fees are required. A brief description of each follows.
              (a) focused discussion lists:
MALARIA a malaria discussion list rep.21jan95
SCHISTO a schistosomiasis discussion list rep.20feb95
LEISH-L a leishmaniases discussion list rep.07feb94
TCRUZI-L a T-Cruzi discussion list (Chagas) rep.08aug95
LEPROSY a leprosy discussion list rep.13mar96
LYMFILARIA a lymphatic filariasis discussion list rep.11sep96
PARASITE-GENOME a discussion list of parasite-genome group rep.21jun95
CELEGANS a discussion list of C.Elegans group rep.10oct94
MOSQUITO-L a discussion list on mosquitos rep.29may95
HEALTH-GIS a discussion list on GIS use for health rep.10jun95
EPIDEMIO-L a discussion list on epidemiology rep.24aug95
EPI-INFO a discussion list on use of Epi-Info software rep.20dec95
              (b) focused mailing lists:
HDDflash - Human Development Department Newsletter by WorldBank rep.01aug96
ProMED - PROgram for Monitoring Emerging Diseases rep.28feb95
EID - Emerging Infectious Diseases - a CDC quarterly list rep.03mar95
MMWR - Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report - a CDC list rep.03mar95
WER - Weekly Epidemiological Records - a WHO list rep.12feb96
              (c) clearing-house mailing lists:
TDR-SCIENTISTS a networking forum for t.d.r. scientists org.01mar92
___________________________________________________________________________ MALARIA a malaria discussion list
        "...for anyone wishing to ask, ...or communicate on the general
        subject of malaria"
        To subscribe, send mail to: LISTSERV@wehi.edu.au
        saying in the body of the text:
                subscribe malaria yourname
        To broadcast your message to all people on the list, send it to:
        The list-owner: Ross L. Coppel
SCHISTO a schistosomiasis discussion list rep.20feb95
        "...a mailing list created for the purpose of information
        exchange between Schistosoma researchers. Scientists are
        welcomed to participate in this worldwide forum for any kind of
        information exchange as proposals, announcements, offers, the
        discussion of various problems and requests for any biological material or information concerning schistosomes..."
        To subscribe, send mail to: biosci-server@net.bio.net, saying
                subscribe SCHISTO
        To broadcast your message to all people on the list, send it to:
        The list-owners:
        Werner Kunz Werner.Kunz@uni-duesseldorf.de
        Chris Grevelding Christoph.Grevelding@uni-duesseldorf.de
        Lutz Gohr Lutz.Gohr@uni-duesseldorf.de
LEISH-L a leishmaniases discussion list rep.07feb94
        ... is the International Leishmaniasis Network Bulletin board.
        To subscribe, send a message to LISTSERV@BDT.ORG.BR
        with one line command in the body:
                SUBSCRIBE LEISH-L firstname lastname
        To post messages to the List: LEISH-L@DBT.ORG.BR
        owner: DR JEFFREY SHAW jshaw@bdt.org.br
        admin: manager@dbt.org.br
TCRUZI-L a T-Cruzi discussion list (Chagas) rep.08aug95
        is a Trypanosoma cruzi electronic discussion list. The main
        focus of the list will be the tcruzi genome project, but this
        should not withhold anyone to discuss other topics of relevance
        related to T. cruzi and Chagas disease.
        To be added, please send the message "subscribe tcruzi-l"
        (without the quotes) to Majordomo@iris.dbbm.fiocruz.br
        To post your public message to the list, send to:
        Information on the genome project can also be found on :
        Wim Degrave (list owner) wdegrave@gene.dbbm.fiocruz.br
LEPROSY a leprosy discussion list rep.13mar96
        ... is an experimental discussion list for scientists, programme
        managers, agencies and individuals involved and interested in
        the elimination of leprosy as a public health problem.
        The objective is to keep the scientific community, national
        programme managers and all interested parties informed about the
        developments /progress towards leprosy elimination.
        To subscribe, send a message to MAJORDOMO@who.ch
        with the first line text in the body: subscribe leprosy
        followed by the second line: end
        After subscription, any posting to the list be sent to:
        For more details, visit
        or write to
        Dr V. Pannikar (pannikarv@who.ch)
LYMFILARIA a lymphatic filariasis discussion list rep.11sep96
        As part of the global strategy to eliminate lymphatic filariais
        the Filariasis Control Section of the Department of Public
        Health and Tropical Medicine at James Cook University,
        Townsville Australia has started a discussion group on the
        control of lymphatic filariasis. The purpose is to bring
        together people and institutions interested or carrying out
        filariasis control.
        This list is moderated.
        To subscribe, send a message to MAJORDOMO@jcu.edu.au
        with the first line text in the body: subscribe LymFilariasis
        followed by the second line: end
        For help, write to:
        Paul Turner (Paul.Turner@jcu.edu.au), or
        Rick Speare (Richard.Speare@jcu.edu.au)
        is "a parasite genome databases and genome research resources
        mailing list. For a rapid development of the parasite-specific portions of the databases, the list would
concentrate on
        ACeDB-based genome databases, but the list will be user-led and
        anything may be posted."
        Use the list to ask for probes, offer resources to share,
        request technical advice, warn of problems encountered,... post
        news and results, advertise positions available, etc...
        To subscribe, send an email to: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
        in the body of the message write: subscribe parasite-genome
        To post a message, send an email to
        List-owners: Mark Blaxter(London,UK) and
        Mara Melville(Cambridge,UK)
        Dr William R. Morgan, The College of Wooster, Wooster, OH 44691,
        has announced an electronic discussion group for C. elegans
        "To subscribe (depends on your location)...
        . In Europe, Africa, or Central Asia, send the message
                "SUB bionet-news.bionet.celegans" (no quotation marks)
        . In the Americas or the Pacific Rim, send the message
                "subscribe celegans" to
MOSQUITO-L a mosquito discussion list
        "for the discussion of topics related to mosquitoes (Diptera:
        Culicidae)." Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
                behavior bionomics
                ecology control
                general biology regulatory issues
                mosquito-borne diseases physiology
                pathogens sampling methods
        To subscribe, send an e-mail message to
        with the word SUBSCRIBE in the body of the message.
        Once you are subscribed to Mosquito-L, sending a message to
        MOSQUITO-L@IASTATE.EDU will send your message to all the
        subscribers on Mosquito-L.
        Owner: John VanDyk (jvandyk@iastate.edu)
HEALTH-GIS a discussion list on GIS use for health
        is an electronic discussion group open to everyone interested in
        the application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for
        health. The objective is to promote exchange of information
        regarding projects, methodologies, partners in countries,
        availability of databases, maps, software, sources of finances,
        etc. It is a place for meeting between users of GIS applied to management of natural resources and real or
potential users of
        GIS for health.
        To subscribe, send an email to: MAJORDOMO@who.ch
        with one line text in the body saying: SUBSCRIBE health-gis
        List owner: Dr Isabelle NUTTALL nuttalli@who.ch
EPIDEMIO-L a discussion list on epidemiology
        This group is concerned with discussing methodologic issues
        relevant to epidemiology...that are relevant to population
        studies which address health problems and questions. The
        discussions are therefore not restricted to approaches and
        procedures relevant to studying determinants of health/illness and outcome of interventions, but include
approaches relevant to
        the organization of the health care delivery system.
        You can subscribe to it by sending the following message:
        SUBSCRIBE EPIDEMIO-L <your first and last name>
        Owner: Pierre Philippe, Ph.D (philippp@ere.umontreal.ca)
EPI-INFO a discussion list on use of Epi-Info software
        To offer a forum for discussion on uses of the package in "real
        world" public health problems.... It should act as a council of
        peers who can be called upon to help resolve problems that users
        of the package may encounter. The subscription is free. The list
        is unmoderated.
        To subscribe, send a message to
                subscribe epi-info
        in the body of the message.
        For help, write to epiwww@epo.em.cdc; or to
        Gregory Fegan (gfegan@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu)
HDDflash - Human Development Department - a WorldBank list
(formerly PHNflash - Population, Health, Nutrition)
        is an electronic newsletter on key population, health, and
        nutrition issues. Once you subscribe, you will receive a
        HDDFLASH newsletter monthly.
        HDDFLASH is produced by the Human Development Department in the
        World Bank. This department is solely responsible for its
        To subscribe, send mail to: Listserv@tome.worldbank.org
        in the body of the text write:
                Subscribe HDDFLASH FirstName LastName
        To contribute your text to the newsletter, send it to:
        The list owner:
ProMED - PROgram for Monitoring Emerging Diseases
        A central goal of ProMED is to establish a direct partnership
        among scientists concerned with emerging infectious diseases in
        all parts of the world. Reporting of incidents or outbreaks,
        infectious disease problems of emerging interest, and
        discussions on how to improve surveillance and response
        capabilities are especially encouraged. It is to promote
        effective early warning systems for emerging infections.
        To subscribe to the ProMED (which is moderated), send e-mail to:
        and write in the body of text
                subscribe promed
        For further information on ProMED:
        Dr. Jack Woodall woodall@wadsworth.org
        Dr. Stephen S. Morse morse@rockvax.rockefeller.edu
EID - Emerging Infectious Diseases - a CDC quarterly list
        CDC's new journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID), is now
        available both electronically and in hard copy.
        The journal is available in three file formats: ASCII, Adobe
        Acrobat (.pdf), and PostScript (.ps). The ASCII version of the journal does not contain figures. WWW Mosaic users,
go to:
        E-mail lists: You have four choices. For table of contents
        alone, subscribe to the EID-TOC mailing list. If you choose to receive the entire journal, choose EID-ASCII,
        EID-PS. However, be aware of the large file sizes of the
        To subscribe to a list, send an e-mail to lists@list.cdc.gov
        with the following in the body of your message:
                subscribe listname (e.g., subscribe EID-TOC).
        For help, send an e-mail to eidhelp@cidod1.em.cdc.gov.
MMWR - Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report - a CDC list
        has a similar email service as EID above. EID is quarterly, but
        MMWR is weekly.
        To subscribe to, e.g. Table of Contents(TOC) version, send an
        e-mail to lists@list.cdc.gov with the following in the body of your message:
                subscribe MMWR-TOC
        For help, send an e-mail to mmwr-questions@list.cdc.gov.
WER - Weekly Epidemiological Records - a WHO list
        Each Friday, World Health Organization issues the WHO Weekly
        Epidemiological Records (WER). Since January 1996 this weekly
        has been posted to WHO's Web pages in full in a PDF file format.
        (Just like MMWR of the CDC.) For those who wish to be informed of WER "table of contents, wish brief news flash"
via email,
        there is a special distribution list called WER-REH.
        To subscribe, send a message to MAJORDOMO@WHO.CH with the
        following in the body of your message:
                subscribe WER-REH
        For help, send an e-mail to owner-wer-reh@who.ch
TDR-SCIENTISTS a networking forum for t.d.r. scientists
        ...is a global electronic Mailing List open to any scientists
        interested in TDR's work. Originally conceived to be an
        alternative to the postal mailing of the quarterly TDR-NEWS, it
        can be used as an open forum to broadcast brief messages
        considered useful to the tropical diseases research scientific community. Especially sensitive to the needs of
scientists from
        developing countries, the List serves as a networking forum for
        t.d.r. scientists everywhere who are connected to the Internet.
        The List is un-moderatd.
        To obtain general information about the List, send a message to:
        To subscribe, send an email to: MAJORDOMO@who.ch
        with the following two lines in the body:
                SUBSCRIBE tdr-scientists
        To broadcast your brief public message, send it to the List
                or, ask List-owner: hatak@who.ch
+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | K.R. Hata, Ph.D.
Email: hatak@who.ch|

Management Officer (InterNetWorking), Fax:+41-22-791-4854|
UNDP/WORLD BANK/WHO Special Programme for |
Research and Training in Tropical Diseases(TDR), WHO, CH-1211 Geneva |

+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The compilation of the material above
owes so much to
information offered from the subscribers of the tdr-scientists list. All
these lists cited above are operating independently. Selection of items
should not be taken as TDR/WHO's endorsement. Bob Hata, TDR/WHO
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Internet version is at:
Send mail for the `E-Drug' conference to `e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.