[e-drug] Re: Unused medicines donations (cont'd)

E-drug: Re: Unused medicines donations (cont'd)

It is true that some unused returned medicines have been donated, at
least to some of the mission facilities in Zambia. Such donations used
to come as personal parcels from some missionaries (with good
intentions) who had worked at some of the health institutions. It took a
lot of talking to the recipients for such donations to reduce. We
started by disseminating the Zambia Guidelines for Donations to mission
institutions even before the document was officially launched by the
Ministry of Health.

As a result of the implementation of the guidelines, some of the
'donors' have now started sending funds for medicines; health facilities
then decide to buy what they need.

So it is true that such donations occur from various countries (at least
from our experience), but I do not think that regulatory authorities in
those countries are aware of them as most of them.

Chipupu Kandeke
Pharmaceutical Services Manager
Churches Health Association of Zambia

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