E-DRUG: Size of generic market in developing countries

A while ago someone, and I'm sorry I don't remember who asked for
information about how large the generic industry was in developing
countries. I recently came across some information on this topic in the
following article:

Nogues JJ. Social costs and benefits of introducing patent protection for
pharmaceutical drugs in developing countries. The Developing Economies
Vol. 30, No. 1, March 1995, pp.24-53.

                      Argentina Brazil India Mexico Korea Taiwan

Patented 771.6 1750.4 2546.0 825.5 308.0 197.4

Sales by domest- 231.0 93.8 920.0 136.5 188.0 27.4
ic firms of
copied drugs

Sales of drug by 540.0 1656.6 1626.0 716.0 120.0 170.0
firms who are
patent owners

All figures are in US$ million

The dates for these figures are not given but the source is:

MacLaughlin JH, Richards TJ, Kenny LA. The economic significance of
piracy. In: Intellectual property rights: global consensus, global
conflict? Gadbaw RM, Richards TJ (EDS.) Boulder Colorado: Westview
Press, 1988

I hope this is of some help to whomever made the original request.

Joel Lexchin

Joel Lexchin MD
121 Walmer Rd.
Toronto, Ontario
Phone: (416)-964-7186
Fax: (416)-923-9515
Email: joel.lexchin@utoronto.ca

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