[e-med] Le Fonds mondial contre le sida approuve 2, 75 milliards d'aide

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Le Fonds mondial contre le sida approuve 2,75 milliards d'aide

SCIENCE | Le Fonds mondial contre le sida, la tuberculose et la malaria a
approuvé 94 nouveaux programmes d'une valeur de 2,75 milliards de dollars
pour deux ans, a indiqué lundi le Fonds.

ATS | 10.11.2008 | 17:10

Le Fonds mondial contre le sida, la tuberculose et la malaria a approuvé 94
nouveaux programmes d'une valeur de 2,75 milliards de dollars pour deux ans,
a indiqué lundi le Fonds. Le total de l'aide versée et promise atteint
désormais 14,4 milliards.

«Il s'agit du montant le plus élevé approuvé par le Fonds depuis sa
création», a souligné le président du Conseil du Fonds, Rajat Gupta. La
majorité des ressources, soit 51% de l'argent demandé, ira aux programmes
contre la malaria. La lutte contre le sida bénéficiera de 38% des fonds et
la tuberculose de 11%.

Les trois quarts des programmes approuvés concernent l'Afrique. Les pays
d'Asie représentent le 14%, l'Amérique latine 6%, l'Europe de l'est et
l'Asie centrale 6% également.

Jusqu'en juillet 2008, le Fonds estime avoir évité 2,5 millions de décès en
procurant un traitement contre le sida à 1,75 million de personnes, un
traitement contre la tuberculose à 3,9 millions de patients et en
distribuant 59 millions de moustiquaires imprégnées d'insecticide contre la


Main Decisions Made at November Board Meeting

All key decisions made at the just-completed Global Fund board meeting are

On Friday and Saturday (November 7-8), the Global Fund Board held its
eighteenth board meeting, in Delhi, India. GFO was present, with observer

The main decisions made at the meeting were, in chronological order, as
follows. (For precise wording of what the Board agreed, see the Decision
Points document at www.theglobalfund.org/en/about/board/eighteenth.
Background documentation will also, in time, be posted by the Fund at the
same location.)

1. Replenishment mid-term review: The Board agreed that the mid-term review
of the Second Voluntary Replenishment will take place some time prior to the
6-8 May 2009 board meeting. (At the mid-term review, donors will evaluate
progress thus for with donations to the Fund for the 2008-10 period, and may
agree to provide top-up donations for this period.) [See Decision Point 4.]
2. In-kind donations: In June 2004, after a very difficult discussion, the
Board failed to agree on any procedures whereby the Fund would accept
in-kind donations. (At that time, some donor countries, plus private sector
and private foundations, felt that certain forms of in-kind donations should
be accepted. But this was defeated by most developing countries, some
developed countries, and the NGO delegations.) Then two years ago, the Board
set up a Joint Steering Group on Product and Service Donations, consisting
primarily of Global Fund board members, but backed by a technical working
group consisting of outside experts from all sectors. The Steering Group,
and then, at this latest board meeting, the GF Board, agreed that the Fund:
(a) should develop guidelines for the Secretariat to accept service
donations and to facilitate the provision of such donations to GF grant
recipients; (b) should not accept health product donations, at least until
the Voluntary Pooled Procurement Mechanism has operated for at least two
years; and (c) should not accept non-health product donations until adequate
information is available to assess the implications of doing so. [See
Decision Point 5.]
3. Budget: The Board agreed that the 2009 Operating Expenses Budget will be
formally approved by December 15. The budget will be for an amount not to
exceed $240 million, and will allow for no more than 570 staff positions.
(The Fund generally has found that staffing needs to increase approximately
on a straight-line basis as grant commitments increase.) [See Decision Point
4. Affordable Medicines Facility for Malaria (AMFm): The most effective
anti-malaria drug is artemisinin combination therapy (ACT), but for many
people it is too expensive. To help in this regard, the Board agreed a year
ago to look into the Fund hosting the Affordable Medicines Facility -
malaria (AMFm), formerly known as the Global ACT Subsidy. The idea is to
help reduce the price for ACTs by negotiating with drug companies as well as
by providing co-payments or subsidies to purchasers of the drugs. Over the
past six months, a policy framework and implementation plan has been
developed by the Secretariat under the oversight of an Ad Hoc Committee of
the Board and others. The Board approved this plan, and asked the
Secretariat to start hosting and managing the AMFm for an initial Phase 1 in
a limited number of countries. The Ad Hoc Committee will continue to provide
oversight. At its next meeting, in May 2009, the Board will decide on the
governance structure for the oversight and performance monitoring of the
implementation of Phase 1. Approximately two years from now, after the
completion of an independent technical evaluation, the Board will decide
whether to expand, accelerate, terminate or suspend the AMFm business line.
[See Decision Point 7.]
5. Quality assurance for pharmaceutical products: The Board approved a new
quality assurance policy for pharmaceutical products, to come into effect in
July 2009. Thereafter, the Board will consider the issue of quality
assurance for diagnostic products. [See Decision Point 11.]
6. Reducing TB mortality and prevalence: The Board encouraged applicants for
and implementers of Global Fund TB grants to take various specified actions
that could lead to their grants being more effective. [See Decision Point
7. Approval of Round 8 grants and delay regarding Round 9: The Board
approved Round 8 grants that will cost up to $2.75 billion over the first
two years. This is 2.5 times the largest amount approved in any previous
round. However, because of financial shortfalls, the Board asked for
"efficiency savings" averaging ten percent in the budgets of the Round 8
grants, and also delayed by six months the date at which Round 9 grants will
be approved. The closing date for Round 9 proposals was changed from 21
January 2009 to 1 June 2009 (not 31 May, as was reported in GFO Issue 98).
For full details, see GFO Issue 98, accessible at www.aidspan.org/gfo. See
also the Editor's Note on dates for Round 9 and later, below. [See Decision
Points 13 and 14.]
8. Gender Equality Strategy: The Board approved a "Strategy for Ensuring
Gender Equality in the Response to HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria." The strategy
document focuses on four main areas of action: (a) Ensure that the Fund's
policies, procedures and structures (including the CCM, and TRP) effectively
support programs that address gender inequalities. (b) Establish and
strengthen partnerships that effectively support the development and
implementation of programs that address gender inequalities and reduce
women's and girls' vulnerabilities, provide quality technical assistance,
and build capacity of groups who are not currently participating in Global
Fund processes but should be. (c) Develop a robust communications and
advocacy strategy that promotes the Gender Equality Strategy and encourages
programming for women and girls and men and boys. (d) Provide leadership,
internally and externally, by supporting, advancing and giving voice to the
Gender Equality Strategy. [See Decision Point 18.]
9. Changes to Global Fund architecture: The Board agreed that with effect
from Round 10: (a) the Fund will have a new round every six months rather
than every twelve months; (b) an applicant whose proposal is recommended as
"Category 3" by the TRP will be entitled to re-submit, in the next round, a
revised version of the same proposal; and (c) the TRP may, when recommending
a proposal for approval, make its recommendation conditional upon the
removal of a limited set of specific elements from the disease proposal. For
further details, see the article "Board Takes Further Steps Towards
Single-Stream Funding," below. [See Decision Point 19.]
10. National Strategy Applications: In April 2007, the Board decided to
create a new way in which countries can apply for Global Fund funding, in
addition to the current rounds-based approach. In this new approach, a
country that has developed a solid national strategy for tackling HIV/AIDS,
TB or malaria will be able to apply for Global Fund support for
implementation of this strategy. However, the Fund's requirements for
"National-Strategy Applications" (NSAs) will be very strict. The strategy
must be inclusive, costed, comprehensive and prioritized, and must include a
workplan and budget. And the strategy must have successfully undergone a
rigorous technical certification by an "independent review mechanism" (IRM).
A key objectives of this whole approach is to make it possible for a country
that has developed a high-quality national strategy to submit that strategy
for certification by a single IRM and then to obtain support for the
implementation of that strategy from the Global Fund and from other funding
sources. This approach is intended to support alignment and harmonization,
by being flexible enough to fit with the preferred timing cycles and
planning approaches both of the applicant country and of the various
funders. At the just-completed board meeting, the Board agreed that the Fund
will seek applications for, and then approve, an experimental "First
Learning Wave" of NSA grants, in a limited number of countries, with each
such grant being funded for no more than two years. Early next year, the
Secretariat will report to the Board's Policy and Strategy Committee on
progress with the First Learning Wave. [See Decision Point 20.]
11. Five-Year evaluation: Two years ago, the Fund asked the Fund's Technical
Evaluation Reference Group (TERG) to conduct a five-year evaluation of the
Fund. The report for Study Area 1 of this evaluation, on the Fund's
organizational efficiency and effectiveness, is accessible at
www.theglobalfund.org/en/about/terg. At the just-completed board meeting,
the Board welcomed the TERG's report for Study Area 2, on "the Global Fund
partner environment at global and country levels." In that report, the TERG
called for the Fund to work with partners to strengthen country monitoring
and evaluation systems for performance and impact, to build analytical
capacity in countries, and to support development of country-owned impact
evaluation platforms. [See Decision Point 21.]
12. HIV-related travel restrictions: A year ago, during the weeks leading up
to the board meeting that was about to take place in China, the government
of China unexpectedly updated its visa application form to include, for the
first time, a question regarding whether the applicant was infected with
HIV. Arising from this incident and other factors, an international task
team was asked to review HIV-related travel restrictions world-wide. And
arising from the recommendations of that task team, the Board resolved at
this just-completed board meeting: (a) that no board meeting, board
committee meeting, or Partnership Forum will be held in a country that
restricts entry, stay or residence based on HIV status; (b) to support
country-led efforts to eliminate such restrictions; and (c) to work with
partners to ensure that countries have access to the latest guidance and
information on such matters. [See Decision Point 22.]
13. Countries in which the Inspector General has found serious problems: The
Board affirmed in principle, with final details to be agreed at the next
board meeting, that the Fund will not sign a grant agreement with a
Principal Recipient (PR) if the Fund's Inspector General has determined that
there is clear evidence of fraud, abuse, misappropriation or corruption by
that PR. [See Decision Point 23.]
14. Other points: Other Decision Points dealt with amendments to the policy
on ethics and conflicts of interest (Decision Point 10), the relationship
between the Fund and the UN (Decision Point 15), an MOU with the Islamic
Development Bank (Decision Point 16), and an MOU with the Stop TB
Partnership (Decision Point 17).