Photo Exhibit of the 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize in New
Dear colleagues,
The photo exhibit of the 1000 Women Nominated for the Nobel
Peace Prize (2005) will be launched on Monday, February 27 at 6
p.m. at the Church Center, 777 UN Plaza, NYC, 2nd floor (44th
St. and 1st Ave.) You are all very welcome, and you are welcome
to invite others. Men are especially welcome!
We are delighted to announce that Mrs. Nane Annan, the President
of the General Assembly, Mr. Jan Eliasson, and Switzerland's Am-
bassador, H.E. Mr. Peter Maurer, will be with us.
The book of the "1000 Women" will be available to buy and of
course we will have refreshments.
The exhibit will serve as a backdrop for the meetings taking
place in that room during the 2 weeks of the Commission on the
Status of Women (CSW). People are welcome to walk among the pho-
tos and bios of the women, when meetings are not in session,
during the day from February 27-March 10.
We look forward to joining you in this wonderful launch.
On behalf of the 1000 Women,
Cora Weiss
Betty Reardon
Chris Norwood
Neema Mgana