Dear Colleagues:
The CapacityPlus Project <> , which is focused on addressing the global health workforce crisis, has launched a Promising Practices series that aims to identify a set of interventions with potential for replication/scale-up around a selected topic each year. This year, we are looking at interventions to address sexual harassment and pregnancy/family discrimination in health worker pre-service education (for both students and faculty), including on the quality of education that students receive; students' attrition rates; and faculty composition and careers.
We would be very interested to hear from you about resources, organizations, projects, or individuals that are working on this topic and/or may have additional suggestions. In particular, we are collecting both published and unpublished examples of interventions. While we would like to collect examples from the health sector, we would be happy to receive information on examples from the education and other sectors.
Please send any suggestions or information to Crystal Ng at
Many thanks!
Crystal Ng, MPH
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer
CapacityPlus Project
IntraHealth International, Inc.
1776 I Street NW, Suite 650, Washington, DC 20006
Tel: +1.202.407.9435