Africa fooled on Mosquito/Malaria Control? (10)
- Immediate Action Recommended
Dear Prof. Kishimba and all,
Thanks a lot for the message. I'm writing the concept paper on
rethinking for malaria control in Africa. While looking for more
supporting evidences to put in the concept paper, have discov-
ered that, there is also on-going petition to pressurise WHO and
US to support effective malaria interventions in Africa. Kindly
read the message below and if interested to join efforts, please
sign the petition.
Kill Malarial Mosquitoes Now
Many developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America face
a terrible health and human rights crisis: 500 million of their
people get malaria every year, and over 1 million die.
A principal reason is that far too many global health organiza-
tions refuse to fund or even permit the use of pesticides, espe-
cially DDT.
Kill Malarial Mosquitoes NOW! is a global campaign to change
this horrendous situation. If you want to make a real difference
in the world, please read the Declaration and endorse this bi-
partisan effort by people of conscience from every colour, re-
ligion and political affiliation. You would join a co-founder of
Greenpeace the national chairman of the Congress of Racial
Equality physicians and scientists, including disease experts
from Harvard, France, Africa, Thailand and the United States ad-
mirals and general relief organization workers rabbis, priests,
pastors and evangelical leaders business and political leaders
public policy experts and many other concerned citizens from all
over the world.
Our goal is to convince the United States Congress, USAID, World
Health Organization and other agencies that they must implement
malaria control programs that work. That means they must include
DDT and other insecticides, along with Artemisia-based combina-
tion therapies (ACTs). Otherwise, millions will continue to die
needlessly, year after year.
Specifically, we want the United States Congress to dedicate
two-thirds of future malaria spending to these insecticides and
modern ACT drugs that actually cure malaria.
Some may say this figure is too high. However, over the past
decade, the USAID and other government agencies have spent hun-
dreds of millions of dollars on capacity building and technical
assistance. On talk. (In fact, the U.S. Agency for International
Development will receive $105 million in 2006 for malaria con-
trol but we expect them to spend about $0 on DDT. In 2004, it
had a budget of $80 million, but spent just $4 million on bed
nets, nothing on insecticides, a tiny amount on medicines, and
over $60 million on conferences and consultants, and most of
this was spent in the United States!)
They have spent virtually nothing on DDT, ACT drugs and other
interventions that actually reduce malaria and save lives. The
burden of proof is on our critics, to demonstrate why a differ-
ent percentage is appropriate and necessary.
Please read the Declaration and help lead the way to moral, hu-
manitarian, life-saving policies, by joining our coalition to
Kill Malarial Mosquitoes NOW!
If you stand with us, please email your consent, title, affilia-
tion and state or country of residence to:
Please also consider recruiting other signatories whose support
may help us attain our goal of stopping the unnecessary and un-
conscionable deaths of countless innocent children and parents
in Africa and throughout the developing world.
Millions of people will be alive to thank you.
Download the "Kill Malarial Mosquitoes Now!" declaration as
Adobe PDF file (17 pp. 88 kB) at:
Hamisi Masanja Malebo,
Research Scientist (Medicinal & Bio-Organic Chemistry)
National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR)
P.O. Box 9653, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Mobile: +255-744-383-143
Fax: +255-22-212-1360/380