[afro-nets] ARV Drug Supply Management Training

ARV Drug Supply Management Training
5 to 18 March, 2006
Pretoria, South Africa

"Arv Access for Africa" is a subsidiary of IDA Solutions, The
Netherlands. We are based in South Africa and provide pharmaceu-
tical management skills and increasing local capacity for public
health care initiatives to ensure access to quality health care
services in low and middle income countries.

The next course to be held will be from 5 March 2006 to 18 March
2006 There are many "Drug Supply Management Courses" available
but we are one of the few training companies in the world, if
not the only one, that we are aware off that are concentrating
on "Supply Chain Management of HIV/AIDS Medicines and Supplies".

We have been concentrating on Sub Sahara Africa but had many
participants from all over the world that have attended our
courses in Pretoria, South Africa. Just to give an idea of or-
ganizations that have already taken part in the course: WHO,
tion, Project Hope Kazakhstan, Heidelberg University and a range
of Ministries of Health. Participants came from America, Bel-
gium, Bhutan, Botswana, Denmark, DRC, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji,
Germany, Haiti, Indonesia, Ireland, Kenya, Lesotho, Macedonia,
Malawi, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Oman, Philippines,
Rwanda, South Africa, Sudan, Surinam, Tanzania, The Netherlands,
Tuvalu, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

For more information and an application form to securing atten-
dance, please contact:

Melinda Wannenburg
Assistant Management
ARV Access for Africa (Pty) Ltd
Office: +27-12-460-0914
Fax: +27-12-460-0914

You can also read more about us on our website: