C-Channel 22 - HIV prevention and vulnerable populations - from C-Change
C CHANNEL E NEWSLETTER: Social and Behavior Change Communication ISSUE 22 | July 2010
C Channel 22 highlights HIV prevention and vulnerable populations.
Four articles explore HIV prevention, youth, and social networks, while four address HIV prevention and stigma in the context of men who have sex with men (MSM). Two articles focus on HIV prevention and sex workers. Research for these articles was conducted in Bangladesh, Botswana, Brazil, the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic, India, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Paraguay, Senegal, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.
C-Change recently began work in Jamaica
(http://www.c-changeprogram.org/where-we-work/jamaica). It carried out an assessment of government and civil society sector programming around HIV prevention for most-at-risk populations (MARP), particularly men who have sex with men (MSM), and sex workers. Results of the assessment are informing next steps, which include technical assistance to the Ministry of Health and NGO partners to build their capacity to carry out SBCC HIV prevention activities. The ultimate goal is to reduce the number of new HIV infections by 25% by 2013. See the C-Change website (http://www.c-changeprogram.org/) for additional information on its SBCC activities.
Thank you,
The C-Change KM Team
To view the abstracts/articles from this issue, please visit:
Articles in this issue of C Channel include:
HIV, Youth, and Social Networks
1. Targeting HIV interventions for adolescent girls and young women-Zimbabwe
2. Social factors affecting youths' condom use behavior in slums-Nigeria (ONLINE FULL TEXT available)
3. Community readiness for HIV/AIDS preventive interventions-Bangladesh
4. Extra-marital sexual partnerships and male friendships in rural Malawi
HIV Prevention, MSM, and Stigma
5. HIV vulnerability of men who have sex with men in developing countries
6. Bisexuality, sexual risk taking, and HIV among MSM accessing VCT-India (ONLINE FULL TEXT available)
7. Bisexual concurrency, bisexual partnerships, and HIV among Southern
African MSM
8. Challenges to universal access to HIV prevention, treatment and care-Caribbean (ONLINE FULL TEXT available)
HIV Prevention and Sex Workers
9. Social norms and condom use among male partners of female sex workers-Dominican Republic
10. Creating "communicative spaces": Organizing the NGO community for
HIV/AIDS prevention
The African Network for Strategic Communication in Health and Development (AfriComNet) is hosting a Practicum on HIV Prevention among Married and Cohabitating Couples in Africa.
The Practicum will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 11-13 August 2010. For more information, please visit Africomnet
Please visit http://bit.ly/cchannel22 to view the abstracts and/or free full text versions of the articles above.
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This publication is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms of Agreement No.
GPO-A-00-07-00004-00. The contents are the responsibility of the C-Change program, managed by AED, and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
Annie Kearns